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What shapes parental feeding decisions over the first 18 months of parenting: Insights into drivers towards commercial and home-prepared foods among different socioeconomic groups in the UK
Appetite ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2024.107260
Kimberley L. Neve , Paul Coleman , Corinna Hawkes , Christina Vogel , Anna Isaacs

Infants born into families experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage follow a high-risk trajectory for obesity and poor health in later life. Differences in early childhood food experiences may be contributing to these inequalities. This study aimed to explore the factors that influence parental decisions on when, how and what food to introduce over the first 18 months of their child's life and identify differences according to families' social position. Particular attention was given to social and environmental determinants within and outside the home. This research utilised a longitudinal qualitative methodology, with interviews and photo-elicitation exercises completed by participants when their children were 4–6; 10–12 and 16–18 months of age. Participants were parents (61 mothers; 1 father), distributed across low, medium and high socioeconomic position (SEP). During analysis, observable differences in factors directing parents to home-prepared or commercial foods were identified. Factors that undermined the provision of home-prepared meals included lack of time after returning to work, insufficient support from partners, uncertainty around infant and young child feeding (defined as the introduction and provision of solids) and an implicit trust in the messaging on branded products. These factors directed parents towards commercial foods and were most persistent among families experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage due to barriers accessing formal childcare, less flexible working conditions and fathers being less involved in infant feeding. To facilitate an enabling environment for healthy infant and young child feeding practices and address dietary inequalities, immediate steps that policy makers and healthcare providers can take include: i) changing the eligibility criteria for shared parental leave, ii) aligning claims on commercial infant food labels with international best practices, and iii) improving access to formal childcare.


是什么影响了育儿前 18 个月的父母喂养决定:深入了解英国不同社会经济群体对商业和家庭自制食品的驱动因素

出生在社会经济不利家庭的婴儿在以后的生活中会出现肥胖和健康状况不佳的高风险轨迹。幼儿期食物经历的差异可能是造成这些不平等的原因之一。本研究旨在探讨影响父母决定在孩子出生后 18 个月内何时、如何以及何种食物引入的因素,并根据家庭的社会地位找出差异。特别关注家庭内外的社会和环境决定因素。这项研究采用纵向定性方法,参与者在孩子 4 至 6 岁时完成访谈和照片启发练习; 10-12 个月和 16-18 个月大。参与者是父母(61 名母亲;1 名父亲),分布在低、中、高社会经济地位 (SEP)。在分析过程中,发现了引导父母购买自制食品或商业食品的因素的明显差异。阻碍提供家庭自制餐食的因素包括重返工作岗位后缺乏时间、合作伙伴的支持不足、婴幼儿喂养(定义为引入和提供固体食物)的不确定性以及对品牌信息的隐含信任。产品。这些因素引导父母转向商业食品,并且在由于获得正规儿童保育的障碍、不太灵活的工作条件以及父亲较少参与婴儿喂养而经历社会经济劣势的家庭中最为持久。为了营造有利于婴幼儿健康喂养的环境并解决饮食不平等问题,政策制定者和医疗保健提供者可以立即采取的措施包括:i) 更改共享育儿假的资格标准,ii) 调整商业婴儿食品标签上的声明遵循国际最佳实践,以及 iii) 改善获得正规儿童保育的机会。