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Faith and facts: Exploring the intersection of religion and science among anatomy educators
Anatomical Sciences Education ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ase.2400
William S. Brooks 1 , Joseph E. Deweese 2, 3 , Adam B. Wilson 4

The intersection of religion and science often elicits polarizing views among scientists, though approximately half of American scientists identify as religious. Mounting evidence also supports the role of spirituality in comprehensive patient care. The purpose of this study was to explore the religiosity of faculty who teach in the anatomical sciences at U.S. colleges and universities. Surveys were administered to anatomists through two professional societies. Two‐thirds (64.9%, 74/114) of respondents identified as religious, 26.3% (30/114) as atheist, and 8.8% (10/114) as agnostic. Most respondents (64.9%, 74/114) disagreed with the statement, “There is no place for religion and science to intersect.” Approximately one in three respondents expressed concern that sharing/disclosing their religious beliefs would negatively affect the perceptions of colleagues (32.5%, 37/114) and students (28.9%, 33/114) toward them. Faculty at faith‐based institutions were more open to disclosing their beliefs (p = 0.045), and highly religious individuals were more concerned (p = 0.001). Fewer than one‐fifth of respondents 17.5% (20/114) personally experienced mistreatment or discrimination within academic settings due to their religious beliefs. Most respondents held politically liberal‐leaning views (71.0%, 76/107). Highly religious individuals were more likely to be politically conservative (p < 0.001). Overall, this study demonstrates that the number of anatomists who identify as religious may be higher than that of other biological disciplines and that mistreatment due to religious views remains a challenge for some in the profession. Continued dialogue regarding the role of religion in professional identity expression may be an important step in mitigating religion‐focused mistreatment and discrimination in academic settings.



宗教与科学的交叉经常会在科学家中引发两极分化的观点,尽管大约一半的美国科学家认为自己有宗教信仰。越来越多的证据也支持灵性在患者综合护理中的作用。这项研究的目的是探讨美国学院和大学解剖科学教师的宗教信仰。通过两个专业协会对解剖学家进行了调查。三分之二 (64.9%, 74/114) 的受访者认为有宗教信仰,26.3% (30/114) 为无神论者,8.8% (10/114) 为不可知论者。大多数受访者(64.9%,74/114)不同意“宗教和科学没有交叉点”的说法。大约三分之一的受访者表示担心分享/披露他们的宗教信仰会对同事(32.5%,37/114)和学生(28.9%,33/114)对他们的看法产生负面影响。基于信仰的机构的教师更愿意公开他们的信仰(p= 0.045),高度宗教信仰的人更关心(p= 0.001)。不到五分之一的受访者(17.5% (20/114))个人因宗教信仰而在学术环境中经历过虐待或歧视。大多数受访者持有政治自由主义倾向的观点(71.0%,76/107)。高度宗教信仰的人更有可能在政治上持保守态度(p< 0.001)。总体而言,这项研究表明,自认为有宗教信仰的解剖学家数量可能高于其他生物学学科的解剖学家数量,并且由于宗教观点而受到的虐待仍然是该行业中一些人面临的挑战。关于宗教在职业身份表达中的作用的持续对话可能是减轻学术环境中以宗教为中心的虐待和歧视的重要一步。