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Role of soluble epoxide hydrolase in pain and depression comorbidity
Neurobiology of Disease ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2024.106443
Yuchen Bu , Siqi Yang , Di Wang , Suwan Hu , Qi Zhang , Zifeng Wu , Chun Yang

The coexistence of chronic pain and depression in clinical practice places a substantial social burden and profoundly impacts in patients. Although a clear correlation exists, the underlying mechanism of comorbidity between chronic pain and depression remains elusive. Research conducted in recent decades has uncovered that soluble epoxide hydrolase, a pivotal enzyme in the metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids, plays a crucial role in inflammation. Interestingly, this enzyme is intricately linked to the development of both pain and depression. With this understanding, this review aims to summarize the roles of soluble epoxide hydrolase in pain, depression, and their comorbidity. Simultaneously, we will also explore the underlying mechanisms, providing guidance for future research and drug development.


