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Flow control for bubble management in a membrane-free electrolyser
International Journal of Multiphase Flow ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2024.104770
Bo Yang , Mehdi Jafarian , Navid Freidoonimehr , Maziar Arjomandi

Gas crossover is an important feature affecting the overall performance of membrane-free water electrolyser, as it may lead to compromised product quality and safety risks. In this paper, the concept of using flow control device for reduction of gas crossover in a membrane-free water electrolysers is introduced. A numerical study is conducted to investigate the influence of flow controller on the H bubble curtain thickness in a vertical flow-by membrane-free electrolyser under various operating conditions, and the effect of flow controller geometry on the H bubbles is systematically studied. An experimental rig is developed to validate the numerical model and to test the performance of a flow controller prototype. The results show that the proposed flow controller can effectively alleviate the crossover of gases in the electrolyser cell without compromising the cell efficiency.


