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Navigating complexities of racial disparities in Alzheimer disease biomarkers
Nature Reviews Neurology ( IF 38.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1038/s41582-024-00930-6
Maria C. Carrillo , Simin Mahinrad

An analysis based on datasets from four studies of memory and ageing reveals differences in the relationship of cognition with cerebrospinal fluid, but not imaging, biomarkers for Alzheimer disease between self-identified Black and White participants. These findings highlight the importance of precision medicine to address Alzheimer disease disparities across diverse populations. A study now reveals that CSF, but not imaging, biomarkers for Alzheimer disease show weaker correlation to cognitive measures in Black people than in White people. The findings offer insights into Alzheimer disease biomarker utility across racially diverse groups.


