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Should a gamete bank verify the non-medical information provided by a donor?
Human Reproduction ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deae004
Guido Pennings 1

Over the years, cases of fraud have been discovered where donors have been lying about their characteristics. The question raised by such cases is what the responsibility of the gamete bank is for the non-medical information provided by the donor. The problem is that extended donor profiles contain a large amount of information about different aspects of the donor’s life and that not all this information can be verified or is worth verifying. Two cases are scrutinized in more detail: education and criminal record. The proposed solution is to split the donor information into a verified and a non-verified part with the non-verified part falling under the responsibility of the donor. The question of what information should be included in the verified part of the donor profile is still open.


