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Hiding in plain sight: The discovery of complete genomes of 11 hypothetical spindle-shaped viruses that putatively infect mesophilic ammonia-oxidizing archaea
Environmental Microbiology Reports ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.13230
Yimin Ni 1 , Tianqi Xu 1 , Shuling Yan 2 , Lanming Chen 1, 3 , Yongjie Wang 1, 3, 4

The genome of a putative Nitrosopumilaceae virus with a hypothetical spindle-shaped particle morphology was identified in the Yangshan Harbour metavirome from the East China Sea through protein similarity comparison and structure analysis. This discovery was accompanied by a set of 10 geographically dispersed close relatives found in the environmental virus datasets from typical locations of ammonia-oxidizing archaeon distribution. Its host prediction was supported by iPHoP prediction and protein sequence similarity. The structure of the predicted major capsid protein, together with the overall N-glycosylation site, the transmembrane helices prediction, the hydrophilicity profile, and the docking simulation of the major capsid proteins, indicate that these viruses resemble spindle-shaped viruses. It suggests a similarly assembled structure and, consequently, a possibly spindle-shaped morphology of these newly discovered archaeal viruses.


隐藏在众目睽睽之下:发现了 11 种假定的纺锤形病毒的完整基因组,这些病毒可能感染嗜温氨氧化古菌

通过蛋白质相似性比较和结构分析,在东海洋山港病毒组中鉴定出一种假定的纺锤形颗粒形态的亚硝化草科病毒的基因组。这一发现伴随着在氨氧化古菌分布典型地点的环境病毒数据集中发现的一组 10 个地理上分散的近亲。其宿主预测得到 iPHoP 预测和蛋白质序列相似性的支持。预测的主要衣壳蛋白的结构,连同整个N-糖基化位点、跨膜螺旋预测、亲水性特征以及主要衣壳蛋白的对接模拟,表明这些病毒类似于纺锤形病毒。它表明这些新发现的古细菌病毒具有类似的组装结构,因此可能具有纺锤形形态。