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Priorities for hearing loss prevention and estimates of global cause-specific burdens of hearing loss: a systematic rapid review
The Lancet Global Health ( IF 34.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(23)00514-4
Kavita Prasad , Ethan D Borre , Lauren K Dillard , Austin Ayer , Carolina Der , Kathleen E Bainbridge , Catherine M McMahon , Debara L Tucci , Blake S Wilson , Gillian D Sanders Schmidler , James Saunders

Hearing loss affects approximately 1·6 billion individuals worldwide. Many cases are preventable. We aimed to estimate the annual number of new hearing loss cases that could be attributed to meningitis, otitis media, congenital rubella syndrome, cytomegalovirus, and ototoxic medications, specifically aminoglycosides, platinum-based chemotherapeutics, and antimalarials. We used a targeted and a rapid systematic literature review to calculate yearly global incidences of each cause of hearing loss. We estimated the prevalence of hearing loss for each presumed cause. For each cause, we calculated the global number of yearly hearing loss cases associated with the exposure by multiplying the estimated exposed population by the prevalence of hearing loss associated with the exposure, accounting for mortality when warranted. An estimated 257·3 million people per year are exposed to these preventable causes of hearing loss, leading to an estimated 33·8 million new cases of hearing loss worldwide per year. Most hearing loss cases were among those with exposure to ototoxic medications (19·6 million [range 12·6 million–27·9 million] from short-course aminoglycoside therapy and 12·3 million from antimalarials). We estimated that 818 000 cases of hearing loss were caused by otitis media, 346 000 by meningitis, 114 000 by cytomegalovirus, and 59 000 by congenital rubella syndrome. The global burden of preventable hearing loss is large. Hearing loss that is attributable to disease sequelae or ototoxic medications contributes substantially to the global burden of hearing loss. Prevention of these conditions should be a global health priority. The US National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and the US National Institute on Aging.



全球约有 1·60 亿人受到听力损失的影响。许多病例是可以预防的。我们的目的是估计每年因脑膜炎、中耳炎、先天性风疹综合征、巨细胞病毒和耳毒性药物(特别是氨基糖苷类药物、铂类化疗药物和抗疟药物)导致的新听力损失病例数。我们使用有针对性的快速系统文献综述来计算每种听力损失原因的年度全球发病率。我们估计了每种推测原因的听力损失患病率。对于每种原因,我们通过将估计的暴露人群乘以与暴露相关的听力损失发生率来计算全球每年与暴露相关的听力损失病例数,并在必要时考虑死亡率。据估计,每年有 2.57·3 百万人受到这些可预防的听力损失原因的影响,导致全球每年估计有 33·800 万新的听力损失病例。大多数听力损失病例是接触过耳毒性药物的患者(19·6 百万 [范围 12·600 万至 27·900 万] 因短期氨基糖甙类药物治疗,12·300 万因抗疟药)。我们估计,818 000例听力损失是由中耳炎引起的,346 000例是由脑膜炎引起的,114 000例是由巨细胞病毒引起的,59 000例是由先天性风疹综合征引起的。可预防的听力损失给全球带来了巨大的负担。由疾病后遗症或耳毒性药物引起的听力损失在很大程度上加重了全球听力损失的负担。预防这些疾病应成为全球卫生的优先事项。美国国家耳聋和其他沟通障碍研究所和美国国家老龄化研究所。