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Optimization of waterproofing and drainage measures for open-pit mines based on seasonal rainfall time series prediction
Environmental Modelling & Software ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.105957
Shuai Wang , Bo Cao , Runcai Bai , Guangwei Liu

Influenced by seasonal rainfall, the total groundwater inflow at the bottom of open-pit mines exhibits seasonal fluctuations. However, effective methods are lacking for forecasting groundwater inflow because groundwater inflow mechanisms remain unclear, thus hindering targeted seasonal adjustments of drainage measures. Consequently, the drainage capacity may be underutilized and emergency response capabilities may be insufficient. Addressing the aforementioned issues, this study investigated the intrinsic relationship between rainfall and groundwater inflow using seasonal time series analysis and proposes a groundwater inflow prediction model, aiming to explore the inherent correlation between precipitation and runoff. Moreover, seasonal adjustment strategies for drainage measures were explored. The proposed model can enhance the economic viability of drainage projects while ensuring safety. It addresses the key challenge of adapting measures to seasonal variations and provides a conceptual framework for optimizing drainage measures in open-pit mining.



