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Surgery or physical therapy, that is the question: the aftermath of an accident boarding a plane
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 18.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-108042
John Keenan

We were ready to board our flight from Birmingham, England to Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was late at night on 21 November 2022. As my seat was towards the rear of the plane, we were directed to use the rear boarding stairs. As I attempted to step up with my left knee already flexed, I heard and felt a double pop along with a searing pain as I fell over into the plane. As the flight attendants assisted me to a three-seated row, I was able to stretch out my now swelling left leg. I was convinced that this pain was related to a muscle tear. Yet it felt somewhat different from the total rupture of my right quadriceps tendon which I experienced in 2013. This time I was able to hobble along in pain, although I required assistance. Nevertheless, I was worried, and I feared the prospect of another surgical repair and long, painful physical therapy journey. After a short flight to Belfast and a long drive to a northernmost town in …



我们准备登机从英国伯明翰飞往北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特。那是 2022 年 11 月 21 日深夜。由于我的座位位于飞机后部,因此我们被指示使用后部登机楼梯。当我试图在左膝已经弯曲的情况下站起来时,我听到并感觉到了一声双重爆裂声,伴随着一阵灼热的疼痛,我跌倒在飞机上。当空乘人员协助我坐到三人排时,我能够伸展已经肿胀的左腿。我确信这种疼痛与肌肉撕裂有关。但与2013年我的右侧股四头肌腱完全断裂的感觉有些不同。这次我虽然需要帮助,但仍能在疼痛中一瘸一拐地前行。尽管如此,我还是很担心,我担心再次进行手术修复和漫长而痛苦的物理治疗之旅。经过短暂的飞行到贝尔法斯特,然后长途开车到最北端的小镇……