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Eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision: A meta-analytic review
Educational Research Review ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100586
Özün Keskin , Tina Seidel , Kathleen Stürmer , Andreas Gegenfurtner

An increasing number of research groups worldwide use eye tracking to study the professional vision and visual expertise of pre-service and in-service teachers. These studies offer evidence about how teachers process complex visual information in classrooms. Focusing on this growing evidence, the present meta-analytic review (k = 98 studies) aims to systematically aggregate and integrate past eye-tracking research on teacher professional vision and teacher noticing. Four goals are addressed. First, we review the methodological characteristics of past eye-tracking studies in terms of their sample, stimulus, and eye movement characteristics. The results show that most studies use mobile eye-tracking devices in action or remote eye trackers with classroom videos on action; less frequently used are photographs and virtual classroom simulations. The average sample size of the reviewed studies is 13 in-service and 13 pre-service teachers per study, indicating the benefit of meta-analytic synthesis. Second, we meta-analyze expertise-related differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers in two frequently used eye movement measures—teacher gaze proportions and the Gini coefficient as a measure of teachers’ equal gaze distribution in the classroom. Results suggest that experienced teachers had higher gaze proportions on the students in the classroom than inexperienced teachers (g = 0.926) who, in turn, gazed more often on instructional material and other objects in the classroom. Experienced teachers distributed their gaze more evenly than inexperienced teachers between students in the classroom (g = 0.501). Third, we synthesize the results reported in eye-tracking research on the processes of teacher professional vision using the cognitive theory of visual expertise as an organizing framework; the review also discusses boundary conditions of eye-tracking research with regard to student, teacher, and instructional characteristics. Fourth, we review studies exploring the use of gaze replays and eye movement modeling examples as an instructional tool to support reflection in teacher education and teacher professional development.



全球越来越多的研究小组使用眼动追踪来研究职前和在职教师的专业视力和视觉专业知识。这些研究提供了关于教师如何在课堂上处理复杂视觉信息的证据。着眼于这一不断增长的证据,目前的荟萃分析综述(k  = 98项研究)旨在系统地汇总和整合过去关于教师专业视觉和教师注意的眼动追踪研究。解决了四个目标。首先,我们从样本、刺激和眼球运动特征方面回顾了过去眼动追踪研究的方法学特征。结果表明,大多数研究在行动中使用移动眼动追踪设备或带有课堂行动视频的远程眼动追踪器;不太常用的是照片和虚拟课堂模拟。所审查研究的平均样本量为每项研究 13 名在职教师和 13 名在职教师,这表明荟萃分析综合的好处。其次,我们对经验丰富和缺乏经验的教师在两种常用的眼动测量中与专业知识相关的差异进行了荟萃分析——教师注视比例和基尼系数作为教师在课堂上平等注视分布的衡量标准。结果表明,经验丰富的教师在课堂上注视学生的比例高于经验不足的教师 ( g  = 0.926),而经验不足的教师则更频繁地注视课堂上的教学材料和其他物体。经验丰富的教师比缺乏经验的教师在课堂上的学生之间的目光分布更均匀(g  = 0.501)。第三,我们以视觉专业认知理论为组织框架,综合了关于教师专业视觉过程的眼动追踪研究的结果;该评论还讨论了眼动追踪研究在学生、教师和教学特征方面的边界条件。第四,我们回顾了探索使用凝视回放和眼动建模示例作为教学工具来支持教师教育和教师专业发展反思的研究。
