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Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 13.139 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2023.106367
Mohamed Genedy , Karin Hellerstedt , Lucia Naldi , Johan Wiklund

Although academic interest in organizational scaling is growing, extant research has focused primarily on the antecedents and processes, neglecting how employees experience scaling. Drawing on the scale-up, firm growth, and well-being literature, we take an employee perspective to examine the impact of scaling on employee burnout and job satisfaction. Using a sample of 10,908 new venture employees in Sweden, we show that scaling is positively associated with employee burnout, and negatively with job satisfaction. We also show that the link between scaling, burnout, and job satisfaction depends on whether the employee is in a managerial position or has prior new venture experience.



尽管学术界对组织规模化的兴趣日益浓厚,但现有的研究主要集中在前因和过程上,忽视了员工如何体验规模化。借鉴规模化、企业成长和幸福感方面的文献,我们从员工的角度来研究规模化对员工倦怠和工作满意度的影响。我们以瑞典 10,908 名新企业员工为样本,结果表明,规模扩张与员工倦怠呈正相关,与工作满意度呈负相关。我们还表明,规模扩张、倦怠和工作满意度之间的联系取决于员工是否处于管理职位或是否拥有新的创业经验。
