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Codifying clumsiness: Tracing the origins of dyspraxia through a transatlantic constellation of mobility (1866–1948)
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.031 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2023.09.004
Philip Kirby

Dyspraxia affects up to five percent of the population, but its history and its historical geographies have gone unexplored. This article offers the first historical geography of dyspraxia, conceptualising its emergence in the transatlantic world through a ‘constellation of mobility’. It explores the major episodes in dyspraxia's early history (1866–1948) – from the Victorian science of apraxia in Europe that set the context for its identification through to the research of the American neuropathologist Samuel T. Orton, who in the 1920s laid out one of the first modern understandings of the condition. Through this case study, this article seeks to further redress twin research lacunae: historical geographies of psychological differences beyond those of madness and mental illness, including those not straightforwardly captured by the mental/physical binary; and mobility geographies of impairments that precipitate immobility and/or non-standard types of movement. It argues that mobility approaches hold substantial promise for the further exploration of historical geographies of dyspraxia and of disability more broadly, especially through their ability to connect the multiple scales – from embodied differences to global networks of medicine and science – that produce particular medical diagnoses.



运动障碍影响着百分之五的人口,但其历史和历史地理尚未被探索。本文提供了第一个关于运用障碍的历史地理,通过“流动性星座”概念化了它在跨大西洋世界的出现。它探讨了运用障碍早期历史(1866-1948)的主要事件——从欧洲维多利亚时代的运用障碍科学(为识别该障碍奠定了背景)到美国神经病理学家塞缪尔·T·奥顿(Samuel T. Orton)的研究,后者在 20 年代提出了一项关于运用障碍的研究。对这种情况的第一个现代理解。通过这个案例研究,本文试图进一步弥补双胞胎研究的缺陷:超越疯狂和精神疾病的心理差异的历史地理,包括那些不能直接被精神/身体二元关系所捕获的差异;导致不动和/或非标准运动类型的障碍的流动性地理。它认为,流动性方法为进一步探索更广泛的运用障碍和残疾的历史地理提供了巨大的希望,特别是通过它们连接产生特定医学诊断的多个尺度(从具体差异到全球医学和科学网络)的能力。
