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Choosing suitable hosts
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1002/fee.2682
Marcelo O Gonzaga 1


The parasitoid wasp Hymenoepimecis bicolor (Ichneumonidae) is able to manipulate the web-building behavior of its host, the golden silk orb-weaver Trichonephila clavipes (Araneidae). The host spider constructs a modified and complex web, which serves not only as a stable platform to suspend the wasp larva's cocoon but also as a barrier against hyperparasitoids and potential predators. Before depositing an egg on the host spider's abdomen, the H bicolor female immobilizes the spider by inserting its ovipositor – and releasing paralyzing substances – into the spider's mouth. Selecting a host of the proper size is essential: too small a spider may provide an insufficient source of food for the developing larva, whereas too large a spider may pose a serious risk during host interception and immobilization.

The attacking and subduing behaviors of polysphinctine wasps are not well known but may involve sophisticated sequences, including pulling a thread of the intended host's web with the foreleg, imitating struggling prey, to attract the spider (Entomol Sci 2009; doi.org/10.1111/j.1479-8298.2009.00338.x) and waiting for an opportunity to attack while resting on the web's non-viscid barrier threads (Naturwissenschaften 2007; doi.org/10.1007/s00114-006-0177-z). The above-described direct attack behavior of H bicolor, however, is preceded by a short period in which the wasp hovers around the potential host. Would it be possible for the female wasp to correctly evaluate the risks and quality of their potential hosts with just a quick visual inspection? Are chemical cues involved in host selection?




寄生蜂Hymenoepimecis bicolor(Ichneumonidae)能够操纵其宿主金丝球织虫Trichonephila clavipes(Araneidae)的结网行为。宿主蜘蛛构建了一个经过改造的复杂网,它不仅可以作为悬挂黄蜂幼虫茧的稳定平台,而且可以作为抵御超寄生蜂和潜在捕食者的屏障。在将卵产在宿主蜘蛛的腹部之前,雌性H 双色蜘蛛会将其产卵器插入蜘蛛的嘴中,并释放出麻痹物质,从而使蜘蛛无法动弹。选择适当大小的宿主至关重要:太小的蜘蛛可能无法为发育中的幼虫提供充足的食物来源,而太大的蜘蛛可能会在宿主拦截和固定期间造成严重风险。

多鞘黄蜂的攻击和制服行为尚不清楚,但可能涉及复杂的序列,包括用前腿拉动目标宿主的网线,模仿挣扎的猎物,以吸引蜘蛛(Entomol Sci 2009 doi.org/10.1111/ j.1479-8298.2009.00338.x),并在网络的非粘性屏障线程上等待攻击机会(Naturwissenschaften 2007;doi.org/10.1007/s00114-006-0177-z)。然而,在黄蜂进行上述直接攻击行为之前,黄蜂会在潜在宿主周围盘旋一段很短的时间。雌性黄蜂是否可以通过快速目视检查来正确评估潜在宿主的风险和质量?化学线索是否参与宿主选择?
