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Bacillus sp. as a microbial cell factory: Advancements and future prospects
Biotechnology Advances ( IF 16.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2023.108278
Jinyi Qian 1 , Yuzhou Wang 1 , Zijian Hu 1 , Tianqiong Shi 1 , Yuetong Wang 1 , Chao Ye 1 , He Huang 1

Bacillus sp. is one of the most distinctive gram-positive bacteria, able to grow efficiently using cheap carbon sources and secrete a variety of useful substances, which are widely used in food, pharmaceutical, agricultural and environmental industries. At the same time, Bacillus sp. is also recognized as a safe genus with a relatively clear genetic background, which is conducive to the industrial production of target metabolites. In this review, we discuss the reasons why Bacillus sp. has been so extensively studied and summarize its advances in systems and synthetic biology, engineering strategies to improve microbial cell properties, and industrial applications in several metabolic engineering applications. Finally, we present the current challenges and possible solutions to provide a reliable basis for Bacillus sp. as a microbial cell factory.



