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The basal ganglia are a target for sensorimotor domains in posterior parietal, premotor, and motor cortex in primates
Current Opinion in Neurobiology ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2023.102783
Jon Kaas 1 , Iwona Stepniewska 1

Our research focused on defining and characterizing parieto-frontal circuits for specific actions in primates. Part of the posterior parietal cortex is divided into eight or more domains where electrical stimulation evokes a meaningful complex movement. Domains in the posterior parietal cortex compete with each other over excitatory connections that activate inhibitory neurons, while selectively activating functionally matched domains in the premotor cortex and motor cortex. Thus, the selection process involves competition and cooperation between domains over three different regions of cortex. In addition, projections from functionally matched domains in motor regions converge in the matrix of the striatum, whereas projections from different functionally unmatched domains are separate. Thus, the projections of action-specific domains include the basal ganglia, where actions can be permitted or blocked.



