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Doing the right things at the right times: The role of temporal enactment in venture outcome attainment
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2023.106344
Trey Lewis , Diana M. Hechavarría , David W. Williams , Melissa S. Cardon

Nascent entrepreneurs (NEs) take action in the startup process by initiating startup activities in hopes of manifesting a new firm, though some NEs experience a quit outcome. Other NEs find themselves in a still trying status (i.e., continuing to work on the startup) after a span (window) of time. We draw upon recent entrepreneurial action.

theory on how temporal enactment – the ways in which NEs map, or initiate, startup activities within a span of time –helps NEs navigate the uncertainty in the startup process and avoid the still trying status to instead reach a startup outcome. We take an exploratory approach to examine framing questions of: (1) How does pace (12-, 24-, or 36-month time windows) (2) engaging in specific categories of startup activities and (3) initiating specific sequences of categories of startup activities impact NEs' likelihood of reaching startup outcomes? Using logit analysis with data from the harmonized PSED, our findings show that categories of startup activities (i.e., what NEs do) as well as the pace and sequential ordering of these activities (i.e., when they do them) matter for NEs reaching startup outcomes and avoiding the still trying status. Our findings point to a consistent sequential pattern of action that maximizes NE's likelihood of reaching a startup outcome, offering an early roadmap for temporal enactment among NEs.




关于时间制定(NE 在一段时间内映射或启动启动活动的方式)如何帮助 NE 应对启动过程中的不确定性并避免仍处于尝试状态以达到启动结果的理论。我们采用探索性方法来研究以下框架问题:(1) 节奏如何(12、24 或 36 个月的时间窗口)(2) 参与特定类别的启动活动以及 (3) 启动特定类别的序列的创业活动会影响 NE 实现创业成果的可能性吗?使用来自统一 PSED 的数据进行 Logit 分析,我们的研究结果表明,启动活动的类别(即 NE 做什么)以及这些活动的速度和顺序(即何时进行)对于 NE 达到启动结果很重要并避免仍在尝试的状态。
