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Functional Trait Variation Along Animal Invasion Pathways
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-04 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102220-013423
Steven L. Chown 1 , Melodie A. McGeoch 2

Functional trait–based mediation of animal invasions is only now developing, yet it is already showing as much promise as the approach has for plant invasion biology. Here, we provide a theory-founded examination of functional trait–based ecology with respect to animal invasions, together with a review of the empirical research. Recent developments in the scaling of traits to ecosystems, along with the frameworks for invasion ecology, provide a powerful foundation for investigations. Despite growing empirical research in this field, interspecific comparisons incorporating comparative phylogenetic approaches remain uncommon, and those examining assemblages are even more so. Despite the importance of time since introduction, it is rarely included in studies. Broad environmental tolerances, life history traits associated with fast growth or greater reproduction, and in some cases, greater phenotypic plasticity of traits, mediate the success of animal alien species at various stages of invasion, although introduction effort remains one of the most important factors affecting success.


