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Taming a wolf
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-01 , DOI: 10.1002/fee.2663
Lech Stempniewicz 1


The gelada (Theropithecus gelada) and the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) are considered, respectively, the only graminivorous monkey and the rarest canid worldwide. Endemic to Ethiopian alpine grasslands, both species have very limited ranges and are threatened by agricultural expansion, shrinking habitats, and poaching. The wolves are further imperiled by rabies transmitted by feral dogs.

While grazing in large herds, geladas are sometimes joined by wolves, which are more successful at hunting rodents in the presence of geladas than in their absence (J Mammal 2015; doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyu013). The geladas and wolves appear to be indifferent to one another. The rodents, likely accustomed to the geladas’ presence and feeling safer among them, leave their burrows and spend more time aboveground. Wolves benefit from this, as the rodents cannot predict wolf presence among the geladas. Whether the geladas themselves benefit from the wolves’ presence is unknown; what is known is that the wolves are unable to deter two monkey predators: leopards (Panthera pardus) and feral dogs (Canis familiaris). Until additional observations confirm otherwise, the wolf–gelada relationship is likely a commensal one.

The wolves specialize in hunting rodents, but occasionally kill antelope calves, and potentially also baby geladas. On approaching a group of geladas (composed of both adults and young), wolves seemingly ignore the monkeys, which appear to be alert but neither flee nor attack the wolves. In contrast, the appearance of feral dogs, despite their resemblance to wolves, makes the geladas flee in panic. It seems more profitable for wolves not to hunt young geladas, closely guarded by the family group, and thus gain the latter's tolerance while successfully preying upon rodents among them. Is the commensalism between a wolf and a troop of geladas a learned behavior that is passed down from generation to generation?




狒狒(Theropithecus gelada)和埃塞俄比亚狼(Canis simensis)分别被认为是世界上唯一的草食性猴子和最稀有的犬科动物。这两个物种都是埃塞俄比亚高山草原特有的物种,其活动范围非常有限,并且受到农业扩张、栖息地缩小和偷猎的威胁。狼进一步受到野狗传播的狂犬病的威胁。

在大群中吃草时,狒狒有时会加入狼的行列,狼在狒狒存在的情况下比在狒狒不在的情况下更能成功地猎杀啮齿类动物(J Mammal 2015;doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyu013)。狒狒和狼似乎对彼此漠不关心。这些啮齿类动物可能已经习惯了狒狒的存在,并在它们中间感到更安全,因此它们离开了洞穴,在地面上度过了更多的时间。狼从中受益,因为啮齿动物无法预测狒狒中是否存在狼。狒狒本身是否从狼的存在中受益尚不清楚。众所周知,狼无法阻止两种猴子掠食者:豹子(Panthera pardus)和野狗(Canisamilis))。在进一步的观察结果证实之前,狼与狒狒的关系很可能是一种共生关系。

