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The Use of Philosophy of Science in the Creationism-Evolution Debate: An Ashʿarī Perspective
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-19 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2023.2230430
Shoaib Ahmed Malik


This article critically reviews how creationists or antievolutionists are using discussions in philosophy of science to undermine the efficacy of evolution to defuse the tension between evolution and religion. They include (1) the scientific realism debate, (2) the distinction between historical and experimental sciences, (3) the problem of induction, and (4) the definitional problem of species. It then discusses how using these specific arguments to undermine evolution is misplaced when looked at from an Ashʿarī perspective, a Sunnī school of theology. In doing so, it reveals the multiple ways that theology and philosophy of science are interacting with one another in the ongoing creationism-evolutionism debates.




本文批判性地回顾了神创论者或反进化论者如何利用科学哲学中的讨论来破坏进化论的功效,以化解进化论与宗教之间的紧张关系。它们包括(1)科学实在论辩论,(2)历史科学和实验科学之间的区别,(3)归纳问题,以及(4)物种的定义问题。然后,它讨论了从逊尼派神学 Ashʿarī 的角度来看,使用这些具体论点来破坏进化论是错误的。通过这样做,它揭示了神学和科学哲学在正在进行的神创论-进化论辩论中相互作用的多种方式。
