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Physical model test on the mechanical behavior and progressive failure of tunnel-type anchorages
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2023.105423
Yafeng Han , Xinrong Liu , Libing Du , Zhiyun Deng , Xiaohan Zhou , Yu Xiao , Gang Zhang , Guoshen Lai

This paper presents the results of tensile load tests performed with instrumented model of a tunnel-type anchorage (TTA) installed in a rock mass simulated model material in a rectangular chamber with digital image correlation (DIC) capability. Digital images of the model were captured during the test; the processing of these images using the DIC technique yielded the surrounding rock displacement and strain fields. The data from local sensors and DIC indicated the following: The horizontal displacement field of the surrounding rock undergoes an evolution from trumpet-shaped to spindle-shaped, whereas the vertical displacement field experiences an evolution from an inclined layered to the vertical stripe in the upper part of the plug body and an approximate arc distribution in the lower part of the plug body. The progressive failure of the TTA can be divided into four main stages according to the following: stable bearing stage I, failure stage II of shear crack initiation in the surrounding rock at the back end of the plug body, double failure stage III of compression−shear (and tension−shear) failure of the surrounding rock and slip failure of the interface, and failure stage IV of the crack in the surrounding rock extending to the ground surface and interface debonding. The progressive failure of the TTA changes from early rock mass failure to double failure, which includes rock mass and interface slip failure. During the progressive failure of the TTA, the interface undergoes elastic deformation, plastic slip, and debonding state in turn. The shape of the interface stress distribution gradually shifts from a double-peak shape with two large ends and a small middle to a double-peak shape with the peak at the rear end shifting forward, and finally into a trapezoid-like shape with an overall decrease in stress.



本文介绍了使用安装在具有数字图像相关 (DIC) 功能的矩形腔室中的岩体模拟模型材料中的隧道式锚固 (TTA) 的仪器化模型进行的拉伸载荷测试的结果。测试期间拍摄了模型的数字图像;使用这些图像的处理DIC 技术产生了围岩位移和应变场。局部传感器和DIC数据表明:上部围岩水平位移场由喇叭形向纺锤形演化,垂向位移场由倾斜层状向竖向条纹演化。塞体的一部分,塞体下部呈近似弧形分布。TTA的渐进破坏可按以下分为四个主要阶段:稳定承载阶段I,塞体后端围岩剪切裂纹萌生破坏阶段II,压缩双破坏阶段III-围岩的剪切(和拉剪)破坏和界面的滑移破坏,围岩裂纹延伸至地表及界面脱粘破坏Ⅳ期。TTA 的渐进破坏从早期岩体破坏转变为双重破坏,包括岩体和界面滑移破坏。在 TTA 逐渐失效期间,接口经历依次为弹性变形、塑性滑移和脱粘状态。界面应力分布形状逐渐由两端大中间小的双峰型转变为后端峰前移的双峰型,最后变为整体呈梯形减少压力。
