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Oviposition substrate location by the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio: the combined effect of chemical cues emitted by its obligate symbiont Amylostereum areolatum and different host-tree species
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-05 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.7596
Santiago Masagué 1 , Patricia C Fernández 2, 3 , Francisco Devescovi 4 , Diego F Segura 4 , Gerardo J De La Vega 1 , Juan C Corley 1 , José M Villacide 1 , Andrés S Martínez 1

Sirex noctilio is an invasive forest wasp that affects pines and can result in severe economic losses. The use of semiochemicals offers an opportunity to develop sensitive and specific capturing systems to mitigatenegative impacts. Previous research showed that female S. noctilio would use volatiles emitted by its fungal symbiont, Amylostereum areolatum, but little is known about how these modulate behaviour when combined with pine-wood emissions. Our aim was to understand the relevance of fungal volatiles grown on artificial media and wood from two hosts trees, Pinus contorta and Pinus ponderosa, on behavioural and electroantennographic responses of wasp females. Because background odours can modify an insect's response towards resource-indicating semiochemicals, we propose that the behaviour towards the symbiont (resource) will be modulated by host pine emissions (background odours).


入侵性木黄蜂 Sirex noctilio 的产卵基质定位:其专性共生体 Amylostereum areolatum 和不同寄主树种发出的化学信号的综合作用

Sirex noctilio是一种入侵性森林黄蜂,会影响松树并造成严重的经济损失。化学信息素的使用提供了开发敏感且特定的捕获系统以减轻负面影响的机会。先前的研究表明,雌性S. noctilio会利用其真菌共生体Amylostereum areolatum 释放的挥发物,但人们对这些挥发物与松木排放物结合时如何调节行为知之甚少。我们的目的是了解在人工培养基和来自两种寄主树(松树黄松)的木材上生长的真菌挥发物与雌性黄蜂的行为和触角电反应的相关性。由于背景气味可以改变昆虫对指示资源的化学信息素的反应,因此我们建议对共生体(资源)的行为将受到宿主松树排放(背景气味)的调节。