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Street Guide as a Literary Genre: La Manada City
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-31 , DOI: 10.3390/arts12030115
María del Mar López-Cabrales 1 , Joseph Cabeza-Lainez 2 , Inmaculada Rodriguez-Cunill 3

This study thoroughly examines La Manada (The Wolf Pack) City, an artwork that illuminates the various forms of violence and oppression experienced by urban communities, particularly women and marginalized groups. Our research specifically focuses on the literary elements of this painted map which demonstrates the transition from defensive to artistic strategies as a means of survival. Initially, we aim to provide a comprehensive background of the artwork, including its title, social context, the incidents that inspired the idea, and the author’s activism. Subsequently, we scrutinize the literary resources of the 257 items that comprise the street guide of the map. By analysing the various names given to locations on the map, including literary devices and semantic fields, we observe reminiscences of classic surrealist paintings and the artist’s ability to protect herself while revealing the violence hidden behind the guise of antithesis, alliteration, metaphor, and other literary devices. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our research, we compared it to two other maps with different intentions. Our findings confirm the strength of La Manada City, which operates both locally and globally. As a representation of the former emporium city of Seville, our map exposes the adverse impact of dominant capitalistic strategies on community life, perpetuating inequalities for countless “poor owners of the world” by disregarding nature and culture.



这项研究彻底考察了 La Manada(狼群)城,这是一幅阐明城市社区,尤其是妇女和边缘化群体所经历的各种形式的暴力和压迫的艺术作品。我们的研究特别关注这幅彩绘地图的文学元素,它展示了从防御策略到艺术策略作为生存手段的转变。最初,我们的目标是提供艺术作品的综合背景,包括它的标题、社会背景、激发这个想法的事件以及作者的激进主义。随后,我们仔细检查了构成地图街道指南的 257 个项目的文学资源。通过分析赋予地图上位置的各种名称,包括文学设备和语义领域,我们观察了经典超现实主义绘画的回忆和艺术家保护自己的能力,同时揭示了隐藏在对立、头韵、隐喻和其他文学手段的幌子背后的暴力。为了证明我们研究的有效性,我们将其与其他两张具有不同意图的地图进行了比较。我们的调查结果证实了 La Manada City 的实力,它在本地和全球都有运营。作为前商业城市塞维利亚的代表,我们的地图揭示了占主导地位的资本主义战略对社区生活的不利影响,无视自然和文化,使无数“世界的可怜所有者”的不平等现象长期存在。为了证明我们研究的有效性,我们将其与其他两张具有不同意图的地图进行了比较。我们的调查结果证实了 La Manada City 的实力,它在本地和全球都有运营。作为前商业城市塞维利亚的代表,我们的地图揭示了占主导地位的资本主义战略对社区生活的不利影响,无视自然和文化,使无数“世界的可怜所有者”的不平等现象长期存在。为了证明我们研究的有效性,我们将其与其他两张具有不同意图的地图进行了比较。我们的调查结果证实了 La Manada City 的实力,它在本地和全球都有运营。作为前商业城市塞维利亚的代表,我们的地图揭示了占主导地位的资本主义战略对社区生活的不利影响,无视自然和文化,使无数“世界的可怜所有者”的不平等现象长期存在。