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From Neolithic to Copper Age: two tales of change in the Carpathian Basin
Antiquity ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 , DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2023.77
Miroslav Marić

Uivar “Gomilă”, a long-awaited and overdue first volume (of a planned set of three), presents, in seven chapters, a comprehensive account of the results of archaeological research on the site of Uivar, Romania. It reports on 10 seasons of investigation into the north-eastern periphery of the Vinča Culture phenomenon and the occurrence of tell settlements in the second half of the sixth millennium BC. Multiple contributors—mostly members of the original research team—present a well-defined case study of a Late Neolithic tell settlement, starting from general questions about the tell phenomenon in South-east Europe and the Neolithic of the Banat area, where “Gomilă” is located (Chapter 1).



乌伊瓦尔“Gomilă”是期待已久的第一卷(计划为三卷),它用七个章节全面介绍了罗马尼亚乌伊瓦尔遗址的考古研究结果。它报道了对文察文化现象东北边缘以及公元前六千年下半叶特尔定居点的出现进行的十季调查。多个贡献者(主要是原始研究团队的成员)提出了一个关于新石器时代晚期泰尔定居点的明确案例研究,从有关东南欧泰尔现象和巴纳特地区新石器时代的一般问题开始,“戈米拉”在那里位于(第 1 章)。
