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Don鈥檛 Worry: Connected Automated Vehicles Are Better Drivers Than We Are and They Will Not Break the Internet! [Connected and Automated Vehicles]
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-23 , DOI: 10.1109/mvt.2023.3263067
Elisabeth Uhlemann

People have always feared new technology. In [1], the authors explain the impact that hours and hours in front of a screen, such as a smartphone, has on our brains, but also notices that all new technology was initially received with hesitation. They give several amusing examples: In the 16th century, we were told that all this new information being available to us now that books could be mass produced would overwhelm and flood our brains. In the 19th century, we were told that traveling above 30 km/h (18.6 mph) was unnatural and would lead to vomiting. A little later in the same century, we were told that the phone was a devil’s invention, and will attract thunder, lightning, and evil spirits. Finally, in the 1950s, the TV was said to hypnotize its viewers and make them do insane things.


别担心:联网自动驾驶汽车是比我们更好的驾驶员,而且它们不会破坏互联网! [联网和自动化车辆]

人们一直害怕新技术。在[1]中,作者解释了长时间坐在屏幕(例如智能手机)前对我们大脑的影响,但也注意到所有新技术最初接受时都犹豫不决。他们举了几个有趣的例子:在 16 世纪,我们被告知,既然书籍可以批量生产,我们可以获得的所有这些新信息都会淹没我们的大脑。在 19 世纪,我们被告知,行驶速度超过 30 公里/小时(18.6 英里/小时)是不自然的,并且会导致呕吐。在同一世纪稍晚的时候,我们被告知电话是魔鬼的发明,会吸引雷电和邪灵。最后,在 20 世纪 50 年代,电视据说会催眠观众,让他们做出疯狂的事情。