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Pounding the ground for the thunder god: Sounding platforms in the Prehispanic Andes (CE 1000–1532)
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101515
Kevin Lane

The past is silent, or mostly so, yet sound can open a window to this same past. Early Spanish colonial ethnohistoric sources from the Andes are littered with references to indigenous dancing and music as an accompaniment to ritual and feasts. Recent archaeological research in the upper Ica Drainage on the late Prehispanic (CE 1000–1532) site of Viejo Sangayaico has revealed an open-air platform potentially prepared as a type of sprung or ‘sounding’ dancefloor which produces a deep percussion-like sound when stepped upon. I interpret this feature as a sounding platform for stomp dancing. The larger site’s association to veneration of Andean lightning and thunder deity suggests that dancing at this location might have been in part attuned to this supernatural entity. Wider ethnohistoric evidence provide a potential parallel into understanding what type of activities were practiced on this platform and site.


为雷神敲击地面:前西班牙安第斯山脉的探空平台(CE 1000–1532)

过去是无声的,或者大部分是无声的,但声音可以为同样的过去打开一扇窗户。来自安第斯山脉的早期西班牙殖民民族史资料中充斥着土著舞蹈和音乐作为仪式和宴会伴奏的参考资料。最近在 Viejo Sangayaico 的前西班牙晚期 (CE 1000–1532) 遗址的伊卡河上游进行的考古研究揭示了一个露天平台可能被准备成一种弹跳或“发声”舞池,当踩到。我将此功能解释为踩踏舞的发声平台。较大的遗址与崇拜安第斯闪电和雷电之神的联系表明,在这个地方跳舞可能在一定程度上与这个超自然的实体相协调。
