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Repercussions of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse on global stock markets
Finance Research Letters ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2023.104013
Dharen Kumar Pandey , M.Kabir Hassan , Vineeta Kumari , Rashedul Hasan

We employ an event study method to examine the impacts of the collapse of a prominent tech industry bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), on global stock markets. The collapse triggered panic and uncertainty, leading to significant negative returns worldwide. The magnitude of the impact was more pronounced within developed markets due to the higher level of integration and interdependence with the global economy, where we find significantly high abnormal volatility. Further, the impact of the SVB collapse was not uniform across all countries, and those with robust banking system development and stability were impacted differently.



我们采用事件研究方法来研究著名科技行业银行硅谷银行 (SVB) 倒闭对全球股市的影响。崩溃引发了恐慌和不确定性,导致全球范围内出现显着的负回报。由于与全球经济的高度融合和相互依存,发达市场的影响程度更为明显,我们发现这些市场的异常波动性非常高。此外,SVB 倒闭对所有国家的影响并不相同,那些银行系统发展稳健且稳定的国家受到的影响也不同。
