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Potential gains of long-distance trade in electricity
Energy Economics ( IF 13.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106739
Javier López Prol , Karl W. Steininger , Keith Williges , Wolf D. Grossmann , Iris Grossmann

Electrification of all economic sectors and solar photovoltaics (PV) becoming the lowest-cost electricity generation technology in ever more regions give rise to new potential gains of trade. We develop a stylized analytical model to minimize unit energy cost in autarky, open it to different trade configurations, and evaluate it empirically. We identify large potential gains from interhemispheric and global electricity trade by combining complementary seasonal and diurnal cycles. The corresponding high willingness to pay for large-scale transmission suggests far-reaching political economy and regulatory implications.



所有经济部门的电气化和太阳能光伏 (PV) 在越来越多的地区成为成本最低的发电技术,带来了新的潜在贸易收益。我们开发了一个程式化的分析模型,以最大限度地减少自给自足的单位能源成本,将其开放给不同的贸易配置,并根据经验对其进行评估。我们通过结合互补的季节性和昼夜周期,确定了半球和全球电力贸易的巨大潜在收益。相应的为大规模输电支付的高意愿表明了深远的政治经济和监管影响。
