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What Drives the News Coverage of US Social Movements?
Social Forces ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-15 , DOI: 10.1093/sf/soad057
Weijun Yuan 1 , Neal Caren 2 , Edwin Amenta 1

What drives the news coverage of social movements in the professional news media? We address this question by elaborating an institutional mediation model arguing that the news values, routines, and characteristics of the news media induce them to pay attention to movements depending on their characteristics and the political contexts in which they engage. The news-making characteristics of movements include their disruptive capacities and organizational strength, and the political contexts include a partisan regime in power, benefitting from national policies, and congressional investigations. To appraise these arguments, we analyze approximately 1 million news articles mentioning 29 social movements over the twentieth century, published in four national newspapers. We use negative binomial regression analyses and separate time-series analyses of the labor movement to assess the model’s robustness across different movements, time periods, and news sources. In each analysis, the results support the hypotheses based on the institutional mediation model. More generally, we argue that the influence of social movements on institutions depends on the structure and operating procedures of those institutions. This insight has implications for future studies of the influence of movements on major social institutions.



是什么推动了专业新闻媒体对社会运动的新闻报道?我们通过阐述一个制度调解模型来解决这个问题,该模型认为新闻媒体的新闻价值观、惯例和特征会促使他们根据他们的特征和他们所参与的政治背景来关注运动。运动的新闻制作特征包括其破坏能力和组织力量,政治背景包括党派政权掌权、受益于国家政策和国会调查。为了评估这些论点,我们分析了四家全国性报纸上发表的大约 100 万篇新闻文章,这些文章提到了 20 世纪的 29 场社会运动。我们使用负二项式回归分析和对劳工运动的单独时间序列分析来评估模型在不同运动、时间段和新闻来源中的稳健性。在每个分析中,结果都支持基于制度中介模型的假设。更一般地说,我们认为社会运动对制度的影响取决于这些制度的结构和运作程序。这一见解对未来研究运动对主要社会制度的影响具有重要意义。我们认为,社会运动对制度的影响取决于这些制度的结构和运作程序。这一见解对未来研究运动对主要社会制度的影响具有重要意义。我们认为,社会运动对制度的影响取决于这些制度的结构和运作程序。这一见解对未来研究运动对主要社会制度的影响具有重要意义。