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Palynological studies shed new light on the Neolithisation process in central Europe
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101513
Lech Czerniak , Joanna Święta-Musznicka , Anna Pędziszewska , Tomasz Goslar , Agnieszka Matuszewska

A precisely dated, high-resolution palynological profile shows that around 5680 BCE a community that grew crops and raised livestock settled on the northern periphery of the area later covered by the LBK colonisations. This indicates that pioneer farmers reached this region around 300 years earlier than estimated by recognised models of the Neolithisation process. These findings point to the need for a revision of the Neolithisation model, not only regarding dating but also in terms of reassessing the role played by demographic pressure. The authors believe that the impact of the latter is widely overestimated, because the migration could also be caused by conflicts resulting from ethnic diversity and competition for prestige and access to the most valuable lands. Cooperation with hunter-gatherer communities could have been an additional factor that may have been particularly significant during the period of pioneering colonisation. The paper discusses the role of palynology in contemporary research on Neolithisation.



精确日期的高分辨率孢粉学资料显示,大约在公元前 5680 年,一个种植庄稼和饲养牲畜的社区定居在该地区的北部边缘,后来被 LBK 殖民地覆盖。这表明先驱农民到达该地区的时间比公认的新石器化过程模型估计的时间早大约 300 年。这些发现表明需要修订新石器时代模型,不仅要考虑约会,还要考虑重新评估人口压力所起的作用。作者认为,后者的影响被广泛高估了,因为迁移也可能是由种族多样性和对声望和最有价值土地的使用权的竞争引起的冲突造成的。与狩猎采集社区的合作可能是一个额外的因素,在开拓殖民时期可能特别重要。本文讨论了孢粉学在当代新石器时代研究中的作用。
