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Metallacycle/metallacage-cored supramolecular networks
Progress in Polymer Science ( IF 27.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2023.101680
Ruoqian Zhang , Rongrong Li , Feihe Huang , Mingming Zhang

Supramolecular networks often possess good dynamic features but suffer from low mechanical properties. Supramolecular coordination complexes including metallacycles and metallacages have rigid chemical structures and tunable cavities but often lack processability. Therefore, the reasonable integration of these two types of supramolecular structures into metallacycle/metallacage-cored supramolecular networks will reduce the shortcomings of both structures and offer intriguing properties for diverse applications. This review summarizes the progress of metallacycle/metallacage-cored networks according to the covalent or non-covalent interactions used to connect these metallacycles and metallacages. In each part, the structures, properties, functions and applications of such supramolecular networks are described in detail, in order to demonstrate the most exciting achievements in this emerging area. The remaining challenges and perspectives are also given at the end of this review. We hope this review can give our readers a snapshot on metallacycle/metallacage-cored supramolecular networks and attract more scientists to devote into this promising field.



