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Research on a method of conveying material sensations through sound effects
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2023.2187311
Wu Zhexuan 1 , Wang Zhong 1

Material sound effects are widely used in virtual reality and games to convey specific material sensations to the audience and improve the immersion experience. However, systematic research on parametrically controlling the material sensations evoked by sound effects is lacking. This study presents a new method of sound design regarding the control of parameters – pitch, waveform, attenuation time and artificial harmonics. The acoustic semantic experiments demonstrate that these sound effects can convey virtual material sensations with a 78% understanding rate with only auditory cues. This study can broaden our thinking regarding sound effects, music production and related disciplines .



材质音效广泛应用于虚拟现实和游戏中,向观众传达特定的材质感觉,改善沉浸式体验。然而,缺乏对声音效果引起的物质感觉进行参数控制的系统研究。这项研究提出了一种关于参数控制的声音设计新方法——音调、波形、衰减时间和人工谐波。声学语义实验表明,这些声音效果可以仅通过听觉提示就能够以 78% 的理解率传达虚拟物质感觉。这项研究可以拓宽我们对音效、音乐制作及相关学科的思考。
