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Branching into heritage: the genesis of the Anne Frank Tree and its multiplications
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13919
Irene Stengs 1

This ethnography contributes to the field of Holocaust heritage studies by exploring the paradoxical tendencies of memorial proliferation and oblivion. The topic of investigation is the genesis and multiplications of the so-called ‘Anne Frank Tree’, the horse chestnut tree behind the Secret Annex that Anne Frank wrote about in her diary. Fungus-infected, the tree fell in 2010. The Anne Frank Tree testifies to both the terrible fate of the European Jews and the shelter offered to some. Therefore, its eventual safeguarding, whether by conservation or multiplication, became a topic of concern worldwide. Following the roots and routes of the Anne Frank Tree legacy (stump, seedlings, grafts, wood, and chestnuts), this article examines the processes of sacralization that have stirred the material's vivid proliferation and, importantly, the burden which the accumulating material subsequently imposes on the people in charge of it. The case sheds light on the tendency of the sacred to proliferate, often to the extent of excess. Paradoxically, this tendency threatens to undo the sacrality.



这种民族志通过探索纪念馆扩散和遗忘的矛盾趋势,为大屠杀遗产研究领域做出了贡献。调查的主题是所谓的“安妮弗兰克树”的起源和繁殖,这是安妮弗兰克在她的日记中写到的密室后面的七叶树。受真菌感染,这棵树于 2010 年倒下。安妮弗兰克树证明了欧洲犹太人的悲惨命运和为某些人提供的庇护所。因此,它的最终保护,无论是通过保护还是通过繁殖,成为了全世界关注的话题。沿着安妮弗兰克树遗产(树桩、幼苗、嫁接物、木头和栗子)的根源和路线,这篇文章考察了神圣化的过程,这些过程激起了材料的生动扩散,重要的是,积累的材料随后强加给负责它的人的负担。这个案例揭示了圣物激增的趋势,通常是过度的。矛盾的是,这种趋势威胁要取消神圣性。