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Political Dynasties in Defense of Democracy: The Case of France’s 1940 Enabling Act
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050723000104
Jean Lacroix , Pierre-Guillaume Méon , Kim Oosterlinck

The literature has pointed out the negative aspects of political dynasties. But can political dynasties help prevent autocratic reversals? We argue that political dynasties differ according to their ideological origin and that those whose founder was a defender of democratic ideals, for simplicity labeled “pro-democratic dynasties,” show stronger support for democracy. We analyze the vote by the French parliament on 10 July 1940 of an enabling act that granted full power to Marshall Philippe Pétain, thereby ending the Third French Republic and aligning France with Nazi Germany. Using data collected from the biographies of parliamentarians and information on their voting behavior, we find that members of a pro-democratic dynasty were 9.6 to 15.1 percentage points more likely to oppose the act than other parliamentarians. We report evidence that socialization inside and outside parliament shaped the vote of parliamentarians.


捍卫民主的政治王朝:以法国 1940 年授权法案为例

文献指出了政治王朝的消极方面。但政治王朝能否帮助防止专制逆转?我们认为,政治王朝根据其意识形态起源而有所不同,而那些其创始人是民主理想捍卫者的王朝,为简单起见被贴上“亲民主王朝”的标签,对民主表现出更强的支持。我们分析了法国议会于 1940 年 7 月 10 日通过的一项授权法案的投票,该法案授予元帅菲利普·贝当全权,从而结束了法兰西第三共和国并使法国与纳粹德国结盟。使用从议员传记和他们的投票行为信息中收集的数据,我们发现亲民主王朝的成员反对该法案的可能性比其他议员高 9.6 到 15.1 个百分点。
