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Contesting property: urban commons, statecraft, and the ‘tyranny’ of liberalism in Lebanon
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13921
Alice Stefanelli 1

As heterogeneous forms of commodification threaten the survival of urban commons worldwide, in Beirut a group of residents and professionals has resorted to civic advocacy to keep the beach of Dalieh of Raouche accessible, including calling on public authorities to intervene. Combining Polanyian analysis and recent developments in the anthropology of the state, civic advocacy is recast here as a case of ‘grassroots’ statecraft, adapted to, as well as shaped by, the logics and discourses of late capitalism that it seeks to undo. As such, counter-movements are reconceptualized as not only defensive, but also offensive and explicitly generative of new political projects and modes of governance. At the same time, the article pushes the argument further to suggest that ‘grassroots’ statecraft in the context of the protection of the commons is inherently multivocal, and that calls for, and rejection of, state intervention may be contained at once within this counter-movement, forced to coexist by the constraints imposed by the neoliberal political-economic system it confronts.



由于各种形式的商品化威胁着全球城市公地的生存,贝鲁特的一群居民和专业人士诉诸于公民宣传,以保持 Raouche 的 Dalieh 海滩畅通无阻,包括呼吁公共当局进行干预。结合波兰尼的分析和国家人类学的最新发展,公民倡导在这里被重塑为“草根”治国方略的案例,适应并受其试图消除的晚期资本主义的逻辑和话语的影响。因此,反运动被重新定义为不仅是防御性的,而且是进攻性的,并且明确地产生了新的政治项目和治理模式。同时,