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Effectiveness of relationships and sex education: A systematic review of terminology, content, pedagogy, and outcomes
Educational Research Review ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100527
Lisa van Leent , Kerryann Walsh , Claire Moran , Kirstine Hand , Sally French

This paper presents a systematic review on published research on universal school-based relationships and sex education for children aged 4–18 years. The review excludes papers focused solely on targeted cohorts, specific content areas and approaches such as abstinence-only education. Systematic searches were conducted with 5007 papers identified and following three rounds of screening, 134 papers were included in this review. The review sought to identify the terms used to describe sex education, the content included in programs or curriculum, the approaches forming the basis for implementation, the methods used to evaluate programs including the outcomes assessed. We conclude that the terms used in the field are vast, the content varied, approaches were wide-ranging, methods numerous and claims to effectiveness fluctuated and at times contrasted. Future research should seek to identify consistency in terminology and content, identify pedagogical approaches that are fully described building on the field of expertise in education, and engage highly rigorous methods and expertise in evaluation. The field of sex education must be recognized socially and institutionally so that appropriate funding and resources can be distributed to achieve the depth and breadth of knowledge required to progress the field. The implications of this impact on children's access to and ability to develop knowledge, skills, behaviours and critical thinking about themselves and their relationships.



本文对已发表的关于 4-18 岁儿童的普遍校本关系和性教育的研究进行了系统回顾。该评论不包括仅关注目标人群、特定内容领域和方法(如仅禁欲教育)的论文。进行了系统搜索,确定了 5007 篇论文,经过三轮筛选,134 篇论文被纳入本综述。该审查试图确定用于描述性教育的术语、项目或课程中包含的内容、构成实施基础的方法、用于评估项目(包括评估结果)的方法。我们得出的结论是,该领域使用的术语很多,内容多种多样,方法范围广泛,方法众多,并且对有效性的要求波动不定,有时甚至存在对比。未来的研究应该寻求确定术语和内容的一致性,确定在教育专业领域得到充分描述的教学方法,并在评估中采用高度严格的方法和专业知识。性教育领域必须得到社会和制度上的认可,以便分配适当的资金和资源,以达到推进该领域所需的知识深度和广度。这种影响对儿童获取和发展知识、技能、行为以及对自身及其人际关系的批判性思维能力的影响。并在评估中采用高度严格的方法和专业知识。性教育领域必须得到社会和制度上的认可,以便分配适当的资金和资源,以达到推进该领域所需的知识深度和广度。这种影响对儿童获取和发展知识、技能、行为以及对自身及其人际关系的批判性思维能力的影响。并在评估中采用高度严格的方法和专业知识。性教育领域必须得到社会和制度上的认可,以便分配适当的资金和资源,以达到推进该领域所需的知识深度和广度。这种影响对儿童获取和发展知识、技能、行为以及对自身及其人际关系的批判性思维能力的影响。
