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Incremental validity of narrative identity in predicting psychological well-being
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-10
Sun W. Park, Soul Kim, Hyun Moon and Hyunjin Cha


The goal of the present study was to replicate and extend previous research that demonstrated the incremental validity of narrative identity in predicting psychological well-being among Korean adults. We recruited 147 Korean adults living in South Korea who completed a battery of questionnaires that assessed the Big Five traits, extrinsic value orientation, self-concept clarity, and psychological well-being. Participants then wrote a story about how they had become the persons they were, which was subsequently coded in terms of agency. We found that psychological well-being was positively related to extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and self-concept clarity, but negatively to neuroticism and extrinsic value orientation. The positive relation between agency, coded from narratives, and psychological well-being was significant both with and without controlling for the other variables. These results showed that narrative identity has incremental validity in predicting well-being among individuals who live in a culture where collectivism and individualism coexist.




本研究的目的是复制和扩展之前的研究,这些研究证明了叙事身份在预测韩国成年人心理健康方面的有效性。我们招募了 147 名居住在韩国的韩国成年人,他们完成了一系列评估大五特质、外在价值取向、自我概念清晰度和心理健康的问卷调查。然后,参与者写了一个关于他们如何成为现在这样的人的故事,随后根据能动性对这个故事进行编码。我们发现心理健康与外向性、宜人性、开放性、责任心和自我概念清晰度呈正相关,但与神经质和外在价值取向呈负相关。代理之间的积极关系,从叙述中编码,无论是否控制其他变量,心理健康都很重要。这些结果表明,叙事身份在预测生活在集体主义和个人主义共存的文化中的个人的幸福感方面具有递增的有效性。
