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Investing in yourself by investing in the field: The long-term benefits of reviewing
Journal of Business Venturing ( IF 13.139 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2022.106284
Jeffery S. McMullen , Scott L. Newbert

This editorial highlights the importance of a robust reviewer pool to the development of the field. We emphasize the role that authors play in ensuring the sustainability of that commons and consider both the field-level and individual-level consequences of failing to do so. In addition, we make a case for the long-term benefits of reviewing, while exploring strategic and tactical concerns such as where you should be reviewing, how much you should be reviewing, whether and when to review, who should review, and, finally, how to develop a reputation as a good reviewer.



这篇社论强调了强大的审稿人库对该领域发展的重要性。我们强调作者在确保该公地的可持续性方面发挥的作用,并考虑未能这样做的领域层面和个人层面的后果。此外,我们还论证了审查的长期利益,同时探讨了战略和战术问题,例如您应该审查的位置、应该审查的程度、是否审查以及何时审查、谁应该审查,以及最后, 如何建立良好审稿人的声誉。
