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Resolution Pharmacology: Focus on Pro-Resolving Annexin A1 and Lipid Mediators for Therapeutic Innovation in Inflammation
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-24 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-pharmtox-051821-042743
Mauro Perretti 1 , Jesmond Dalli 1

Chronic diseases that affect our society are made more complex by comorbidities and are poorly managed by the current pharmacology. While all present inflammatory etiopathogeneses, there is an unmet need for better clinical management of these diseases and their multiple symptoms. We discuss here an innovative approach based on the biology of the resolution of inflammation. Studying endogenous pro-resolving peptide and lipid mediators, how they are formed, and which target they interact with, can offer innovative options through augmenting the expression or function of pro-resolving pathways or mimicking their actions with novel targeted molecules. In all cases, resolution offers innovation for the treatment of the primary cause of a given disease and/or for the management of its comorbidities, ultimately improving patient quality of life. By implementing resolution pharmacology, we harness the whole physiology of inflammation, with the potential to bring a marked change in the management of inflammatory conditions.


解决药理学:专注于促进炎症治疗创新的膜联蛋白 A1 和脂质介质的解决
