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Spinal Cord fMRI: A New Window into the Central Nervous System
The Neuroscientist ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-13 , DOI: 10.1177/10738584221101827
Nawal Kinany 1, 2, 3 , Elvira Pirondini 4, 5, 6 , Silvestro Micera 3, 7 , Dimitri Van De Ville 1, 2

With the brain, the spinal cord forms the central nervous system. Initially considered a passive relay between the brain and the periphery, the spinal cord is now recognized as being active and plastic. Yet, it remains largely overlooked by the human neuroscience community, in stark contrast with the wealth of research investigating the brain. In this review, we argue that fMRI, traditionally used to image cerebral function, can be extended beyond the brain to help unravel spinal mechanisms involved in human behaviors. To this end, we first outline strategies that have been proposed to tackle the challenges inherent to spinal cord fMRI. Then, we discuss how they have been utilized to provide insights into the functional organization of spinal sensorimotor circuits, highlighting their potential to address fundamental and clinical questions. By summarizing guidelines and applications of spinal cord fMRI, we hope to stimulate and support further research into this promising yet underexplored field.



