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NIH Support for FDA-Approved Medicines
Cell Chemical Biology ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2017.11.002
Rebekah H. Griesenauer , Ryan Moore , Michael S. Kinch

A recent budget proposal from the current American administration has compelled discussions about Federal funding for the introduction of new medicines (Reardon et al., 2017). While the funding allocated to the National Cancer Institute and the Office of the Director did increase from FY16 to FY17 (though no other institute changed), the President has proposed an 18% cut to funding moving forward (Achenbach and Sun, 2017Achenbach, J., and Sun, L.H. (2017). Trump budget seeks huge cuts to science and medical research, disease prevention. Washington Post, May 23, 2017.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/05/22/trump-budget-seeks-huge-cuts-to-disease-prevention-and-medical-research-departments/?utm_term=.9ac223009da3.Google Scholar,US Department of Health & Human Services, 2017US Department of Health & Human Services. (2017). HHS FY2017 budget in brief – NIH.https://www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2017/budget-in-brief/nih/index.html.Google Scholar). These conversations prompted an analysis of the impact of National Institutes for Health (NIH) funding for innovative Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug approvals (hereafter referred to as New Molecular Entities or NMEs). To ask if and how NIH support influenced drug development, we aggregated information from publically available documents provided by the FDA and the NIH (via the NIH Reporter tool). Deploying our database of all FDA-approved medicines (Kinch et al., 2014), we assessed the fraction of active ingredients whose research was underwritten by NIH. This included research on the compound itself or on the target prosecuted by each of these medicines. For the latter assessment, a database of mechanistic action was aggregated as reported in a series of studies published from 2014 through 2016 (Kinch et al., 2015Kinch M.S.Hoyer D.Patridge E.Plummer M.Drug Discov. Today.2015;20:784-789CrossrefPubMedScopus (11)Google Scholar). Evidence of NIH support was indicated if funding could be determined in a search of drug target key terms within the NIH Reporter.



美国现任政府最近的预算提案迫使人们就联邦政府引入新药的资金进行讨论(Reardon等,2017)。虽然分配给国家癌症研究所和院长办公室的资金确实从2016财年增加到2017财年(尽管其他机构没有变化),但总统提议将未来的经费削减18%(Achenbach和Sun,2017年,Achenbach,J.以及Sun,LH(2017)。特朗普预算寻求大幅削减科学和医学研究,疾病预防。华盛顿邮报,2017年5月23日.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp /2017/05/22/trump-budget-seeks-the-cut-to-cuts-to-disisease-prevention-and-medical-research-departments/?utm_term=.9ac223009da3.Google Scholar,美国卫生与公共服务部,2017美国部卫生与公共服务部。(2017)。HHS 2017财年预算简报–NIH。https://www.hhs.gov/about/budget/fy2017/budget-in-brief/nih/index.html.Google学术搜索)。这些对话促使人们分析了美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助对创新食品和药物管理局(FDA)药品批准(以下简称“新分子实体”或“ NME”)的影响。要询问NIH支持是否以及如何影响药物开发,我们汇总了FDA和NIH提供的可公开获得的文件中的信息(通过NIH Reporter工具)。部署我们所有FDA批准药物的数据库(Kinch等,2014),我们评估了由NIH承保研究的活性成分的比例。这包括对化合物本身或由这些药物起诉的靶标的研究。对于后一种评估,如2014年至2016年发表的一系列研究中所报告的那样,该数据库汇总了机械作用数据库(Kinch等人,2015年,Kinch MSHoyer D.Patridge E.Plummer M.Drug Discov.Today.2015; 20:784-789CrossrefPubMedScopus(11)谷歌学术)。如果可以通过在NIH Reporter中搜索药物目标关键术语来确定资金,则表明有NIH支持的证据。