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Inflammation, age and changing microbiology: the search for causation in the cystic fibrosis airways
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01935-2017
Geraint B. Rogers

Since the first reports of bacterial lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) almost 80 years ago, concerted efforts have been made to identify the microbes responsible and to determine their contribution to lung disease. However, while CF respiratory microbiology has helped to shape clinical practice, our understanding of the relationships between microbial colonisation of the lung, inflammation and disease remains relatively poor. A survey of CF BALF reports lung microbiota to vary with age and inflammation but causality remains hard to pin down http://ow.ly/hEjX30fVMoL



自从近 80 年前首次报道囊性纤维化 (CF) 患者的细菌性肺部感染以来,已经做出了一致的努力来确定负责的微生物并确定它们对肺部疾病的贡献。然而,虽然 CF 呼吸微生物学有助于塑造临床实践,但我们对肺部微生物定植、炎症和疾病之间关系的了解仍然相对较少。一项 CF BALF 调查报告肺微生物群随年龄和炎症而变化,但因果关系仍然难以确定 http://ow.ly/hEjX30fVMoL