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Metabolism and Photolysis of 2,4-Dinitroanisole in Arabidopsis
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-13 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b04220
Hunter W. Schroer 1 , Xueshu Li 2 , Hans-Joachim Lehmler 2 , Craig L. Just 1

New insensitive munitions explosives, including 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), are replacing traditional explosive compounds to protect soldiers and simplify transport logistics. Despite the occupational safety benefits of these new explosives, feasible strategies for cleaning up DNAN from soil and water have not been developed. Here, we evaluate the metabolism of DNAN by the model plant Arabidopsis to determine whether phytoremediation can be used to clean up contaminated sites. Furthermore, we evaluate the role of photodegradation of DNAN and its plant metabolites within Arabidopsis leaves to determine the potential impact of photolysis on the phytoremediation of contaminants. When exposed to DNAN for three days, Arabidopsis took up and metabolized 67% of the DNAN in hydroponic solution. We used high resolution and tandem mass spectrometry in combination with stable-isotope labeled DNAN to confirm ten phase II DNAN metabolites in Arabidopsis. The plants separately reduced both the para- and ortho-nitro groups and produced glycosylated products that accumulated within plant tissues. Both DNAN and a glycosylated metabolite were subsequently photolyzed within leaf tissue under simulated sunlight, and [15N2]DNAN yielded 15NO2 in leaves. Therefore, photolysis inside leaves may be an important, yet under-explored, phytoremediation mechanism.



新的不敏感弹药炸药,包括2,4-二硝基苯甲醚(DNAN),正在取代传统的炸药,以保护士兵并简化运输后勤。尽管这些新型炸药具有职业安全优势,但尚未开发出从土壤和水中清除DNAN的可行策略。在这里,我们通过模型植物拟南芥评估DNAN的代谢,以确定是否可以使用植物修复来清理污染的部位。此外,我们评估了拟南芥叶片中DNAN及其植物代谢产物的光降解作用,以确定光解对污染物的植物修复的潜在影响。当暴露于DNAN三天后,拟南芥吸收并代谢了水培溶液中67%的DNAN。我们将高分辨率和串联质谱与稳定同位素标记的DNAN结合使用,以确认拟南芥中的十种II期DNAN代谢产物。这些植物分别还原了硝基和硝基基团,并产生了糖基化产物,这些产物积聚在植物组织中。既DNAN和糖基化的代谢物随后叶组织内模拟太阳光下光解,和[ 15 Ñ 2 ] DNAN得到15 NO 2 -在叶。因此,叶片内部的光解可能是重要的但尚未被充分研究的植物修复机制。