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The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-13 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(17)30573-x

Saunders MJ, Wingfield T, Tovar MA, et al. A score to predict and stratify risk of tuberculosis in adult contacts of tuberculosis index cases: a prospective derivation and external validation cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis 2017; 17: 1090–99—The support and grants in the Acknowledgments section should have been assigned as follows: This study was supported by Wellcome Trust awards 057434/Z/99/B (MAT, KZ, RM, TRV, JSF, RHG, and CAE), Z070005/Z/02/Z (MAT, TRV, JSF, RHG, and CAE), 078340/Z/05/Z (MAT, KZ, RM, TRV, JSF, and RHG, CAE), 105788/Z/14/Z (SD, RHG, and CAE), 201251/Z/16/Z (MJS, RHG, and CAE), the Department for International Development Civil Society Challenge Fund (MAT, KZ, RM, TRV, CAE), the Joint Global Health Trials consortium (Medical Research Council, Department for International Development, and Wellcome Trust award MR/K007467/1 [TW, MAT, KZ, RM, TRV, RHG, and CAE]), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (award OPP1118545 [TW, MAT, RM, TRV, and CAE]), Imperial College National Institutes of Health Research Biomedical Research Centre (JAF and CAE), the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (MAT, KZ, TRV, and CAE), the Sir Halley Stewart Trust (CAE), WHO (CAE), the STOP TB partnership's TB REACH initiative funded by the Government of Canada (W5_PER_CDT1_PRISMA [MAT, RM, and CAE]), and Innovation For Health And Development (MJS, TW, and CAE).



Saunders MJ,Wingfield T,Tovar MA等。预测和分层成年结核病指数成人接触者患结核病风险的评分:一项前瞻性推导和外部验证队列研究。柳叶刀感染Dis 2017; 17: 1090–99—在“致谢”部分中的支持和赠款应按以下方式分配:该研究得到了Wellcome Trust奖项057434 / Z / 99 / B(MAT,KZ,RM,TRV,JSF,RHG和CAE),Z070005 /的支持Z / 02 / Z(MAT,TRV,JSF,RHG和CAE),078340 / Z / 05 / Z(MAT,KZ,RM,TRV,JSF和RHG,CAE),105788 / Z / 14 / Z( SD,RHG和CAE),201251 / Z / 16 / Z(MJS,RHG和CAE),国际发展部公民社会挑战基金(MAT,KZ,RM,TRV,CAE),全球卫生联合试验财团(医学研究委员会,国际发展部和惠康信托基金会授予MR / K007467 / 1 [TW,MAT,KZ,RM,TRV,RHG和CAE]),比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(授予OPP1118545 [TW, MAT,RM,TRV和CAE]),帝国大学国立卫生研究院生物医学研究中心(JAF和CAE),创新新诊断基金会(MAT,KZ,TRV和CAE),哈雷·斯图尔特爵士信托基金会(CAE),世界卫生组织(CAE),由加拿大政府资助的STOP TB伙伴关系的TB REACH倡议(W5_PER_CDT1_PRISMA [MAT,RM和CAE]),以及“健康与发展创新”(MJS,TW和CAE)。