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Stimulation of Phytoplankton Production by Anthropogenic Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in a Coastal Plain Estuary
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-09 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03538
Alexandria G. Hounshell 1 , Benjamin L. Peierls 1 , Christopher L. Osburn 2 , Hans W. Paerl 1

There is increased focus on nitrogen (N)-containing dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a nutrient source supporting eutrophication in N-sensitive estuarine ecosystems. This is particularly relevant in watersheds undergoing urban and agricultural development, leading to increased dissolved organic N (DON) loading. To understand how this shift in N-loading influences estuarine phytoplankton production, nutrient addition bioassays were conducted in the N-limited Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina from 2014 to 2015. Additions included N-rich DOM sources characteristic of urban and agricultural development, including chicken and turkey litter leachate, wastewater treatment facility effluent, and concentrated river DOM (used as a reference). Each DOM addition was coupled with an inorganic nutrient treatment to account for inorganic nutrient concentrations (NO2/3, NH4, PO4) in each respective DOM addition. Repeated measures analysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) showed that chicken litter leachate stimulated phytoplankton growth greater than its coupled inorganic nutrient treatment. Wastewater treatment facility effluent, turkey litter leachate, and concentrated river DOM did not stimulate phytoplankton growth greater than their respective inorganic nutrient controls. DOM fluorescence (EEM-PARAFAC) indicated the chicken litter contained a biologically reactive fluorescent DOM component, identified as the nonhumic, biologically labile, “N-peak”, which may be responsible for stimulating the observed phytoplankton growth in the chicken litter leachate treatments.



人们越来越关注含氮(N)的溶解性有机物(DOM),作为在N敏感河口生态系统中支持富营养化的营养源。这对于正在经历城市和农业发展的流域尤其重要,因为这导致增加的溶解性有机氮(DON)负荷。为了了解氮负荷的这种变化如何影响河口浮游植物的生产,2014年至2015年在北卡罗莱纳州的N限制Neuse河河口进行了营养添加生物测定。其中包括城市和农业发展所特有的N富集的DOM来源,包括鸡和火鸡的垃圾渗滤液,废水处理设施的出水和浓河中的DOM(用作参考)。在每个相应的DOM中添加2/3,NH 4和PO 4)。重复测量方差分析(RM-ANOVA)表明,鸡粪沥出液刺激的浮游植物生长大于其结合的无机养分处理。废水处理设施的废水,火鸡垃圾渗滤液和浓河中的DOM不能刺激浮游植物的生长超过其各自的无机养分控制。DOM荧光(EEM-PARAFAC)表明,鸡粪中含有一种具有生物活性的荧光DOM成分,被确定为非腐殖质,生物不稳定的“ N峰”,这可能是刺激鸡粪沥出液处理中观察到的浮游植物生长的原因。