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Elizabeth Murphy
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-27 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.117.312142
Jaclyn Jansen

For even the most accomplished researcher, the path to discovery is more often marked with failure than success. Rather than be deterred, Elizabeth Murphy, Senior Investigator at the National Institutes of Health Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, sees each challenge as an opportunity to uncover new and unexpected insights into human biology. It is this sense of perseverance and optimism that has made her a successful scientist and a leader in cardiac research. Elizabeth Murphy Murphy (who is better known as Tish among her peers) has dedicated her research to understanding the molecular changes that occur during and after a heart attack. Her early work focused on the ion changes that lead to cell death during ischemia and reperfusion. She found that an increase in sodium leads to a subsequent increase in intracellular calcium,1–3 which triggers cell death pathways in the mitochondria.4 Her work has helped to define many of the basic pathways that are responsible for cardiac cell death. Recently, Murphy turned her attention to the mechanisms that protect cells from ischemia and reperfusion. Her lab focused on the effects of preconditioning: brief intermittent periods of ischemia and reperfusion that protect the heart from subsequent, more sustained attacks. Murphy and her colleagues identified several post-translational modifications and signaling pathways are activated during preconditioning.5–7 Even with this success, her work took an unexpected turn. At the time, Murphy was like most researchers, using male mice exclusively to study ischemia reperfusion. For one set of experiments, a collaborator offered her female mice as well. When Heather Cross, a postdoctoral researcher in Murphy’s lab, compared the males and females, she was surprised to find that males were much more sensitive to ischemia–reperfusion injury than female mice.8 Murphy and Cross were quick to follow-up on …



即使是最有成就的研究人员,发现之路也常被标记为失败而不是成功。美国国立卫生研究院心脏,肺和血液研究所的高级研究员伊丽莎白·墨菲(Elizabeth Murphy)并没有因此而感到震慑,而是将每一个挑战视为发现人类生物学新发现和出乎意料的见解的机会。正是这种毅力和乐观精神使她成为一名成功的科学家和心脏研究的领导者。伊丽莎白·墨菲(Elizabeth Murphy)墨菲(在同龄人中更被称为Tish)致力于研究以了解心脏病发作期间和之后发生的分子变化。她的早期工作集中于导致缺血和再灌注过程中细胞死亡的离子变化。她发现钠的增加会导致细胞内钙的增加,1-3触发了线粒体中的细胞死亡途径。4她的工作有助于确定导致心脏细胞死亡的许多基本途径。最近,墨菲将注意力转移到保护细胞免受缺血和再灌注的机制上。她的实验室专注于预处理的作用:短暂的间歇性缺血和再灌注,可保护心脏免受随后的更持续的攻击。墨菲和她的同事们发现在预适应过程中有几种翻译后修饰和信号通路被激活。5-7即使取得了成功,她的工作还是发生了意外的变化。当时,墨菲与大多数研究人员一样,只使用雄性小鼠研究缺血再灌注。为了进行一组实验,合作者也提供了雌性小鼠。希瑟·克罗斯(Heather Cross)