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What is precision medicine?
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00391-2017
Inke R. König , Oliver Fuchs , Gesine Hansen , Erika von Mutius , Matthias V. Kopp

The term “precision medicine” has become very popular over recent years, fuelled by scientific as well as political perspectives. Despite its popularity, its exact meaning, and how it is different from other popular terms such as “stratified medicine”, “targeted therapy” or “deep phenotyping” remains unclear. Commonly applied definitions focus on the stratification of patients, sometimes referred to as a novel taxonomy, and this is derived using large-scale data including clinical, lifestyle, genetic and further biomarker information, thus going beyond the classical “signs-and-symptoms” approach. While these aspects are relevant, this description leaves open a number of questions. For example, when does precision medicine begin? In which way does the stratification of patients translate into better healthcare? And can precision medicine be viewed as the end-point of a novel stratification of patients, as implied, or is it rather a greater whole? To clarify this, the aim of this paper is to provide a more comprehensive definition that focuses on precision medicine as a process. It will be shown that this proposed framework incorporates the derivation of novel taxonomies and their role in healthcare as part of the cycle, but also covers related terms. Precision medicine is defined as a process involving the derivation of novel taxonomies based on deep phenotyping http://ow.ly/WHna30dNNOZ



近年来,在科学和政治观点的推动下,“精准医学”一词变得非常流行。尽管它很受欢迎,但它的确切含义以及它与“分层医学”、“靶向治疗”或“深度表型”等其他流行术语有何不同仍不清楚。常用的定义侧重于患者的分层,有时也称为新分类法,这是使用大规模数据得出的,包括临床、生活方式、遗传和进一步的生物标志物信息,从而超越了经典的“症状和体征”方法。虽然这些方面是相关的,但这种描述留下了许多问题。例如,精准医疗什么时候开始?患者分层以何种方式转化为更好的医疗保健?精准医学能否被视为新患者分层的终点,如暗示的那样,还是一个更大的整体?为了澄清这一点,本文的目的是提供一个更全面的定义,将精准医学作为一个过程。将表明,这个提议的框架将新分类法的推导及其在医疗保健中的作用作为循环的一部分,但也涵盖了相关术语。精准医学被定义为涉及基于深度表型推导新分类法的过程 http://ow.ly/WHna30dNNOZ 本文的目的是提供一个更全面的定义,将精准医学作为一个过程。将表明,这个提议的框架将新分类法的推导及其在医疗保健中的作用作为循环的一部分,但也涵盖了相关术语。精准医学被定义为涉及基于深度表型推导新分类法的过程 http://ow.ly/WHna30dNNOZ 本文的目的是提供一个更全面的定义,将精准医学作为一个过程。将表明,这个提议的框架将新分类法的推导及其在医疗保健中的作用作为循环的一部分,但也涵盖了相关术语。精准医学被定义为涉及基于深度表型推导新分类法的过程 http://ow.ly/WHna30dNNOZ