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Annals for Hospitalists - 17 October 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-17 , DOI: 10.7326/afho201710170
David H. Wesorick 1 , Vineet Chopra 1

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Inpatient Notes

Diagnostic Excellence Starts With an Incessant Watch

—Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD
In this issue's Inpatient Notes, the author describes a simple yet powerful practice to develop and enhance one's diagnostic performance.

Highlights of Recent Articles From Annals of Internal Medicine

Ethics and the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide: An American College of Physicians Position Paper

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:576-578. Published 19 September 2017. doi:10.7326/M17-0938
In this position paper, the American College of Physicians (ACP) states its formal position against the legalization of physician-assisted suicide, citing ethical, legal, and practical concerns. The authors argue that physician-assisted suicide violates the ethical tenets of beneficence and nonmaleficence. In addition, they express concern that physician participation in suicide could erode trust in the physician–patient relationship and fundamentally alter the role of the medical profession in society. Moreover, they recognize that a focus on facilitating death at the end of life might distract physicians from striving for the traditional goals of end-of-life care: relieving suffering and improving access to hospice and palliative care.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • The ACP formally opposes the legalization of physician-assisted suicide.

  • One editorial suggests that all physicians should firmly decline to participate in physician-assisted suicide, noting that it is simply not the duty of a physician. The author highlights uncertainties of the practice, including the identification of appropriate candidates and the challenges of creating reliable safeguards against misuse. He also argues that a patient's autonomy should not be considered absolute—indeed, physicians do not make decisions based solely on what patients want or request. Rather, medical decision making depends on the weighing of competing values, including the “intrinsic value of human life.”

  • Another editorial suggests that physicians should not adopt a stance of rigid opposition to physician-assisted death. The authors recognize that most of the public favors legalization of physician-assisted suicide, even though physicians and some professional organizations are divided on the issue. The authors also suggest that now is the time to carefully study physician-assisted suicide, to debate its ethical implications, and to improve related processes and safeguards that serve the patients who choose this “last resort” option.

Oregon's Death With Dignity Act: 20 Years of Experience to Inform the Debate

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:579-583. Published 19 September 2017. doi:10.7326/M17-2300
This article summarizes data from 20 years of experience with Oregon's Death With Dignity Act (DWDA), which allows physicians to legally prescribe lethal medications to terminally ill patients who want to end their own lives. During the past 20 years, 1857 Oregonians received prescriptions and 1179 died from ingesting them. About one third of the patients who obtained the prescriptions never took the medication. Of note, although the annual number of DWDA deaths has gradually increased over 20 years (16 deaths in 1998 vs. 136 deaths in 2016), it represents a small fraction of all deaths in the state. The median age of DWDA patients was 72 years—52% were men, 96% were white, and 72% had some college or higher education. Most DWDA patients had cancer (77%), and most (88%) were enrolled in hospice. During the first decade of implementation, 11% of DWDA patients had a formal psychiatric evaluation, but only 3% had been evaluated since.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • A wealth of data about physician-assisted suicide is available from states and countries where the practice is legal, including Oregon. Analysis of these data can answer some important questions about the practice.

  • Most patients cited loss of autonomy or inability to participate in activities that make life enjoyable as reasons for seeking DWDA prescriptions. Financial concerns were not frequently reported as motivating the request.

  • Patients requesting DWDA prescriptions were only infrequently referred for psychiatric evaluations despite concerns that depression may be prevalent in this population.

Diagnostic Reasoning: An Endangered Competency in Internal Medicine Training

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:507-508. Published 12 September 2017. doi:10.7326/M17-0163
This Ideas and Opinions article suggests that the current health care environment may pose a threat to the cultivation of diagnostic reasoning skills in internal medicine trainees.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • The current health care environment may undermine the emphasis on diagnostic reasoning in internal medicine training by demanding efficiency and pressuring trainees to “test (or even treat) first, think later.”

  • Residents doing shiftwork are often unaware of the ultimate results of the diagnostic process they initiate and lack a clear feedback loop necessary to inform and refine diagnostic reasoning.

  • The authors suggest that internal medicine training programs should act deliberately to preserve the development of diagnostic reasoning in these trainees. Possible solutions might include a renewed focus on diagnostic reasoning during teaching rounds and training conferences and efforts to ensure that trainees receive feedback about the outcomes of the diagnostic evaluations they initiate. For a related discussion, see this month's Inpatient Notes by Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD.

In the Clinic: Urinary Tract Infection

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:ITC49-ITC64. doi:AITC201710030
This narrative review provides an update of the evidence regarding diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • Clinicians should not screen for or treat asymptomatic bacteriuria, except in pregnant patients or those undergoing invasive urinary procedures that will induce mucosal bleeding (e.g., transurethral resection of the prostate).

  • Although UTI can be diagnosed clinically, urine culture should be done in patients in whom the diagnosis is uncertain, in pregnant women, and in men with suspected UTI. Urine culture is also indicated when pyelonephritis or complicated infection is suspected and in cases of relapse or treatment failure.

  • Antibiotic choice depends on the classification of the disease. Fluoroquinolones should not be used to treat uncomplicated cystitis based on safety and stewardship concerns but may be used to treat pyelonephritis and complicated infections (e.g., structural abnormalities of the urinary tract or immunocompromised host). Resistance is common in many areas.

The Latest Highlights From ACP Journal Club

For older patients with chronic disease, do transitional care interventions reduce mortality or readmission rates?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC32. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-6-032
This systematic review is the latest of many demonstrating the benefit of transitional care for older patients after hospital discharge. Transitional care provided care coordination and continuity, preplanned and structured follow-up after discharge, and ≥1 follow-up ≤30 days after discharge. Although the interventions were associated with lower rates of mortality and readmissions, which interventions are most clinically or cost-effective are unclear.

How should high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) levels be used to rule out myocardial infarction (MI) in the emergency department (ED)?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC34. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-6-034
This prospective cohort study evaluated 1218 patients who presented to the ED with suspected acute coronary syndrome who had hs-cTnI testing ordered by the attending clinician. The study compared the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Pathway (which uses a 6-hour, sex-adjusted troponin cutoff) with the High-Sensitivity Troponin in the Evaluation of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome (High-STEACS) Algorithm (which uses a 2-hour, unadjusted troponin cutoff). Both approaches use repeat troponin levels at 3 hours for early presenters. The High-STEACS Algorithm ruled out more MIs at presentation and demonstrated a higher negative predictive value at 3 hours than the ESC Pathway.
Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC35. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-6-035
This study used data from a prospective cohort of 2828 European patients who presented to the ED with suspected MI. It applied 4 strategies that used hs-cTnI to rule out MI and found that most strategies performed similarly.
Taken together, the 2 aforementioned studies reflect growing interest in understanding how to most effectively use hs-cTnI to rule out MI in the ED. As important assumptions (e.g., that patient-reported symptom timing is accurate, and that all troponin assays are the same) and biases (e.g., incorporation bias and verification bias) within both studies limit conclusions, randomized trials focusing on this important question seem necessary.
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—医学博士Gurpreet Dhaliwal



安实习生。2017; 167:576-578。2017年9月19日发布。doi:10.7326 / M17-0938
  • ACP正式反对医师协助自杀的合法化。

  • 一个社论认为,所有的医生应该坚决拒绝参加医生协助自杀,并指出这根本就不是一个医生的职责。作者强调了这种做法的不确定性,包括确定合适的候选人以及建立防止滥用的可靠保障措施所面临的挑战。他还指出,不应将患者的自主权视为绝对的自主权-实际上,医生不会仅根据患者的需求或要求做出决定。相反,医疗决策取决于权衡竞争价值,包括“人类生命的内在价值”。

  • 一篇社论建议医师不应对医师协助的死亡采取坚决反对的立场。作者认识到,尽管在这个问题上医生和一些专业组织存在分歧,但大多数公众都赞成医师协助自杀的合法化。作者还建议,现在是时候认真研究医师协助的自杀,辩论其伦理意义,并改善为选择这种“最后手段”的患者提供服务的相关程序和保障措施。


安实习生。2017; 167:579-583。2017年9月19日发布。doi:10.7326 / M17-2300
  • 包括俄勒冈州在内的合法执业州和州可获得大量有关医生协助自杀的数据。对这些数据的分析可以回答有关实践的一些重要问题。

  • 大多数患者认为失去自主权或无法参加使生活变得愉快的活动是寻求DWDA处方的原因。财务上的担忧很少被报告为激发请求的动力。

  • 尽管担心抑郁症可能在该人群中普遍存在,但仅很少需要DWDA处方的患者进行精神病学评估。


安实习生。2017; 167:507-508。2017年9月12日发布。doi:10.7326 / M17-0163
  • 当前的医疗环境可能会要求效率并迫使受训者“先进行测试(甚至治疗),然后再考虑”,从而破坏了内科医学培训对诊断推理的重视。

  • 进行轮班工作的居民通常不知道他们所发起的诊断过程的最终结果,并且缺乏清晰的反馈回路来告知和完善诊断推理。

  • 作者建议,内部医学培训计划应刻意采取行动,以保持这些受训者诊断推理的发展。可能的解决方案可能包括在教学轮次和培训会议期间重新关注诊断推理,并努力确保受训人员收到有关他们发起的诊断评估结果的反馈。有关相关讨论,请参见医学博士Gurpreet Dhaliwal撰写的本月住院记录


安实习生。2017; 167:ITC49-ITC64。doi:AITC201710030
  • 临床医生不应筛查或治疗无症状菌尿症,除非是孕妇或正在接受侵入性泌尿外科手术的患者(其会引起粘膜出血)(例如,经尿道前列腺电切术)。

  • 尽管可以在临床上诊断出尿路感染,但应在诊断不确定的患者,孕妇和怀疑尿路感染的男性中进行尿培养。当怀疑肾盂肾炎或复杂感染以及复发或治疗失败时,也应进行尿培养。

  • 抗生素的选择取决于疾病的分类。出于安全和管理的考虑,不应将氟喹诺酮类药物用于单纯性膀胱炎的治疗,而应用于治疗肾盂肾炎和复杂的感染(例如,尿路或免疫功能低下的宿主的结构异常)。抵抗在许多地区是普遍的。

ACP Journal Club的最新亮点


安实习生。2017; 167:JC32。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-6-032


安实习生。2017; 167:JC34。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-6-034
安实习生。2017; 167:JC35。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-6-035