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Annals for Educators - 3 October 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.7326/afed201710030
Darren B. Taichman

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Clinical Practice Points

Low-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment for Long-Standing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. A Randomized Trial

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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a rare posttraumatic pain condition with few effective treatment options. This randomized placebo-controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of low-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) in reducing pain during a 6-week period in adults with long-standing CRPS.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners how patients with CRPS present. How is it diagnosed? What is the differential diagnosis? Use the information in DynaMed Plus: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (a benefit of your ACP membership) to help prepare.

  • What is known about the pathophysiology of CRPS? This is discussed by the editorialists.

  • How did understanding the pathophysiology prompt the hypothesis that IVIg might be effective therapy? How is IVIg derived, and for which conditions does it work? Do we know how it works?

  • The editorialists do not believe that this trial should end a focus on immune regulation as an approach to CRPS therapy. What do your learners think?

  • How is CRPS treated now? How effective are these interventions? What do your learners think it means to have a rare disease for which we lack reliable therapy? How can we help these patients avoid despair and hopelessness?

Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults. A National Cohort Study

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Although total sedentary time has been associated with increased mortality, most studies have relied on participant recall to report activity. Whether longer or shorter bouts of inactivity are associated with different outcomes is not known. This large cohort study objectively measured physical activity to assess total as well as shorter and longer bouts of sedentary time.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners how much of their day is spent sitting. How many engage in routine physical exercise? How intense is it?

  • Do the results of this study alter how your learners think about the importance of physical activity? Does engaging in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity alter the association between sedentary time and mortality? Does it “protect” us from our sedentary habits?

  • In addition to total sedentary time, the authors examined longer and shorter bouts of sedentary time. Why? What did they find? How might these variables alter the risk for death? Use the accompanying editorial to help frame your discussion.

  • Teach at the bedside! Ask patients on your service what their daily activities involve and how much of their time is sedentary. Would they be able to alter that if they wanted to? What could be recommended? Should we make recommendations based on this study?

  • Ask your learners what confounding is and how it might be important in an observational study such as this. The authors quantified the potential effect of an “unmeasured confounder” on their findings. What is an unmeasured confounder? How do the results of this sensitivity analysis help to provide confidence in the authors' conclusions? Use a recent editorial to help frame your discussion.

Beyond the Guidelines

Should We Screen This Patient for Carotid Artery Stenosis? Grand Rounds Discussion From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

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In this grand rounds discussion, a vascular surgeon and a primary care physician share perspectives on whether a 74-year-old man with risk factors for cardiovascular disease should be screened for carotid artery stenosis (CAS).
Use this feature to:
  • Watch the video interview with Mr. O, a 74-year-old man who has undergone carotid ultrasound. After watching, ask your learners whether they think patients like Mr. O should be screened for CAS. Why or why not?

  • Who is at risk for CAS, and does pharmacotherapy affect its natural history? Does carotid endarterectomy (CEA) reduce the risk for stroke in asymptomatic patients? What level of risk from CEA is acceptable?

  • Evaluate the answers to these questions provided by the discussants. Watch the video of the grand rounds discussion, ask your learners to read it before your teaching session, or assign individuals or teams to summarize the arguments made by the primary care physician and the vascular surgeon. Use the provided slide sets to help.

  • After reviewing the points made, ask whether your learners have changed their minds. Will they suggest screening to their patients? If so, how will they discuss its potential benefits and harms?

  • Regarding his past carotid studies, Mr. O comments, “Why not? I mean the more information the better, right?” Is he right? Is more information always better?

In the Clinic

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In the Clinic: Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in both inpatient and outpatient settings. This eminently practical review provides an evidence-based, clinically relevant overview of management of UTIs, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention structured around answering key questions that arise in daily practice. Conditions covered include acute cystitis (both uncomplicated and complicated), catheter-associated UTI, and asymptomatic bacteriuria in both women and men.
Use this review to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners whether we should screen for UTI or asymptomatic bacteriuria.

  • In which patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria is prevention of symptomatic UTI recommended?

  • Should women with recurrent symptomatic UTI receive antibiotic prophylaxis? If so, how? How successful are interventions?

  • What is the differential diagnosis of acute cystitis? How is each condition diagnosed and treated?

  • When is consultation with an infectious disease specialist or a urologist appropriate?

  • Use the accompanying multiple-choice questions and teaching slides to help introduce topics for discussion. Be sure to log on and enter your answers to claim CME/MOC credit for yourself!

Humanism and Professionalism

On Being a Doctor: A Night to Remember

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Dr. Ricanati recalls the horrible circumstances and her emotions as she watched the examination of a young woman who had been raped.
Use this essay to:
  • Listen to an audio recording of the essay, read by Dr. Virginia Hood.

  • Ask your learners whether they have ever helped care for a victim of sexual assault. Did it scare them?

  • How do our own fears of being on the other side of the examination table make us better doctors?

  • Do your learners ask their patients about sexual abuse? Do they know what to do when a patient reports having been the victim of sexual abuse?

For Medical Educators

Diagnostic Reasoning: An Endangered Competency in Internal Medicine Training

In this essay, the authors describe several initiatives at their institution to foster the development of diagnostic reasoning skills among internal medicine residents.

MKSAP 17 Question

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A 53-year-old woman is evaluated during a follow-up visit for recurrent urinary tract infections. She has been treated for three episodes of urinary tract infection with Klebsiella over the past 4 months. Despite an initial response to antibiotics, her urinary tract symptoms return once the antibiotics are stopped. She has no systemic symptoms, including fever or chills. Medical history is otherwise unremarkable. She currently takes no medications.
On physical examination, temperature is 37.1 °C (98.8 °F), blood pressure is 124/74 mm Hg, pulse rate is 72/min, and respiration rate is 12/min. BMI is 22. There is no costovertebral angle tenderness to palpation. The remainder of the examination is unremarkable.
Urine dipstick reveals a pH of 9.0 and is positive for leukocyte esterase and nitrites; urine microscopy shows 8-10 leukocytes/hpf and many coffin-lid–shaped crystals consistent with struvite.
Kidney ultrasound shows a 1.2-cm irregularly shaped stone in the left renal pelvis.
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Chronic antibiotic therapy
B. Low phosphate diet
C. Stone removal
D. Urine acidification
Correct Answer
C. Stone removal
Educational Objective
Treat a patient with struvite nephrolithiasis by removing the stone.
The most appropriate next step in management is to remove the struvite stone in the left renal pelvis. Struvite stones are composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate and occur only when ammonium production is increased, which elevates the urine pH and decreases the solubility of phosphate. This is most commonly a consequence of chronic upper urinary tract infection (UTI) with a urease-producing organism, such as Proteus or Klebsiella. Struvite stones can grow rapidly and become large, filling the entire renal pelvis and taking on a characteristic “staghorn” shape. Although struvite stones affect less than 10% of patients with kidney stones, they occur more commonly in women and in patients predisposed to chronic or recurrent UTI, including those with urologic diversions or neurogenic bladder.
Although treatment of the initial upper UTI is important to prevent struvite stone development, once struvite stones are formed, they are difficult to treat medically, including with chronic antibiotics. Antibiotics may not penetrate the stone, and colonizing bacteria may create an alkaline environment within the stone that promotes continued or recurrent UTI, stone growth, and chronic inflammatory damage to the kidney. Because of this, stone removal is indicated in most cases, and kidney outcomes have been shown to be improved when struvite stones are removed compared with medical therapy. Removal is commonly by percutaneous nephrolithotomy, shock wave lithotripsy, or a combination of both procedures.
Dietary phosphate reduction and urine acidification would be expected to discourage struvite stone formation but are of minimal effectiveness once struvite stones have developed.
Key Point
In most patients with known struvite stones, removal of the stones is indicated.
Frassetto L, Kohlstadt I. Treatment and prevention of kidney stones: an update. Am Fam Physician. 2011 Dec 1;84(11):1234-42.
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  • 问您的学习者CRPS患者的病情如何。如何诊断?什么是鉴别诊断?使用DynaMed Plus:复杂的区域性疼痛综合症(您的ACP会员资格所带来的好处)中的信息来帮助您进行准备。

  • 关于CRPS的病理生理学知识是什么?社论者对此进行了讨论。

  • 对病理生理学的了解如何提示IVIg可能是有效治疗的假说?IVIg是如何得出的,在什么条件下起作用?我们知道它是如何工作的吗?

  • 评论家认为,该试验不应以免疫调节作为CRPS治疗的方法而结束。您的学习者怎么看?

  • CRPS现在如何治疗?这些干预效果如何?您的学习者认为患有罕见疾病而我们缺乏可靠的治疗方法意味着什么?我们如何帮助这些患者避免绝望和绝望?


  • 询问您的学习者,他们每天有多少时间花在坐上。有多少人参加日常体育锻炼?有多强烈?

  • 这项研究的结果是否会改变您的学习者对体育锻炼重要性的看法?进行中度到剧烈运动会改变久坐时间和死亡率之间的联系吗?它会“保护”我们免于久坐的习惯吗?

  • 除了总的久坐时间外,作者还检查了久坐时间的长短。为什么?他们发现了什么?这些变量如何改变死亡风险?使用随附的社论来帮助您进行讨论。

  • 在床边教书!在您的服务中询问患者日常活动涉及什么,以及他们久坐的时间是多少。如果他们愿意的话,他们能够改变它吗?可以推荐什么?我们应该根据这项研究提出建议吗?

  • 问您的学习者什么是混淆,以及混淆在诸如此类的观察性研究中可能有何重要性。作者量化了“无法衡量的混杂因素”对他们的发现的潜在影响。什么是无法衡量的混杂因素?敏感性分析的结果如何帮助建立对作者结论的信心?使用最新的社论来帮助您进行讨论。



  • 观看视频采访O先生,他是一名74岁的接受过颈动脉超声检查的男子。观看后,问您的学习者是否认为像O先生这样的患者应该接受CAS筛查。为什么或者为什么不?

  • 谁有CAS的风险,药物治疗会影响其自然病史吗?颈动脉内膜切除术(CEA)是否可以减少无症状患者中风的风险?CEA带来的风险等级是可以接受的?

  • 评估讨论者提供的这些问题的答案。观看大回合讨论的视频,要求您的学习者在您的教学之前阅读它,或指派个人或团队对初级保健医生和血管外科医师的论点进行总结。使用提供的幻灯片组来提供帮助。

  • 在复习所提出的观点之后,请问您的学习者是否改变了主意。他们会建议对患者进行筛查吗?如果是这样,他们将如何讨论其潜在的利弊?

  • 关于他过去的颈动脉研究,O先生评论说:“为什么不呢?我是说,信息越多越好,对吗?他说的对吗?更多信息总是更好吗?




  • 从选择题开始教学。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者我们是否应该筛查UTI或无症状菌尿。

  • 在哪些无症状菌尿患者中建议预防有症状的尿路感染?

  • 复发性有症状性尿路感染的妇女应该接受抗生素预防吗?如果是这样,怎么办?干预效果如何?

  • 急性膀胱炎的鉴别诊断是什么?如何诊断和治疗每种疾病?

  • 什么时候与传染病专家或泌尿科医师会诊是合适的?

  • 使用随附的多项选择题和教学幻灯片来帮助介绍要讨论的主题。请务必登录并输入答案,以为自己申请CME / MOC积分!



  • 聆听弗吉尼亚·胡德(Virginia Hood)博士朗读的论文录音。

  • 询问您的学习者,他们是否曾经帮助照顾过性侵犯的受害者。吓到他们了吗?

  • 我们自己担心自己被排在检查台的另一侧,如何使我们成为更好的医生?

  • 您的学习者是否向患者询问性虐待?他们知道患者报告曾遭受性虐待时该怎么办吗?




MKSAP 17问题

身体检查时,温度为37.1°C(98.8°F),血压为124/74 mm Hg,脉搏频率为72 / min,呼吸频率为12 / min。BMI为22。触诊没有肋椎角压痛。其余的检查效果不明显。
尿液试纸的pH值为9.0,对白细胞酯酶和亚硝酸盐呈阳性。尿液镜检显示8-10个白细胞/ hpf和许多与鸟粪石一致的棺盖形晶体。
Frassetto L,Kohlstadt I.肾结石的治疗和预防:更新。我是家庭医生。2011年12月1日; 84(11):1234-42。