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Front Cover: Protonation of Coordinated Dinitrogen Using Protons Generated from Molecular Hydrogen (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 37/2017)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-21 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201701050
Masilamani Tamizmani 1 , Chinnappan Sivasankar 1

The Front Cover shows a new strategy to make N–H bonds from dinitrogen and molecular hydrogen by using a phosphine‐stabilized tungsten complex, [W], and a frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) at room temperature and 1 atm pressure in solution. We believe that this method will be useful to develop low‐temperature homogeneous catalysts to make ammonia in the near future. The green background represents an important application of ammonia as fertilizer. The clouds and the sky represent the possible sources of dinitrogen and molecular hydrogen. More information can be found in the Full Paper by M. Tamizmani and C. Sivasankar. For more on the story behind the cover research, see the Cover Profile.


封面:利用分子氢产生的质子对配位二氮进行质子化(Eur。J. Inorg。Chem。37/2017)

前盖显示了一种新策略,可通过使用膦稳定的钨配合物[W]和在室温和1 atm大气压下受阻的路易斯对(FLP),从二氮和分子氢中形成N–H键。我们相信,这种方法将有助于开发低温均相催化剂以在不久的将来制氨。绿色背景代表氨作为肥料的重要应用。云和天空代表了二氮和分子氢的可能来源。有关更多信息,请参见M. Tamizmani和C. Sivasankar撰写的《全文》。有关封面研究背后的故事的更多信息,请参见封面资料。